Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Charlie Chebdo Scam. A scam that is derogatory to human intelligence.

I feel sorry for myself that I didn't fall for it, that I didn't look at the films carefully beforehand. I gulped it down like a lemming. This is how this system works. We believe TV messages more than our own wisdom.

The whole situation was probably staged to arouse the emotions not only of the French but also of the rest of the world. The film is in English, although it speaks in pictures.



In my opinion, they actually want to implement The plan for three world wars Luciferian Albert Pike. World Zionism's war on Islam, followed (probably in the fall) by an economic crisis finishing off the rest of Europe where Muslims are a fraction of the population. It promises to be quite a ride.

Interestingly, my blog is no longer read only by biblical Christians, but also by Catholics and atheists. Everyone is looking for the truth and finds it in a blogger who is a follower of Jesus. Why am I writing about this? Well, it's because both these atheists and Catholics don't know how to navigate anymore. Atheists don't trust the system and pop media, satano media, while Catholics won't read what I write on Roman portals. Both are searching for the truth. Interestingly atheists accept the truth about the world I write about but reject Jesus as they say a fictional character. A total split.

A propos, przez długi czas zastanawiałem się jak to jest, że my biblijni chrześcijanie poznawszy prawdę o świecie zaakceptowaliśmy Jezusa a inni zwolennicy teori NWO nie. Myślałem, że tylko prawda nas prowadzi do Boga, ale przecież ateistów znających NWO też prowadzi prawda. Teraz jestem na 100% przekonany że to PRAWDZIWA I WIELKA ŁASKA OD BOGA polegająca na przyjęciu Jezusa. “Łaską zbawieni jesteście”.

You can see for yourself that where there are people who love God there is truth. The rest are half-truths. This system is unable to offer anything to anyone. Just lies, meanness, tax burdens, elimination from life financial, health and moral crap.

To wszystko według planu III wojen. Ludzie nie naśladujący Boga zostaną sami na własne życzenie. Szczerze pisząc współczuje im. Pozostaną bez drogowskazu, z kompletną pustką. Część chrześcijan nawet pozostawiona  w Wielkim Ucisku, a wierzę, że większość oddana Bogu zostanie pochwycona, będzie miała nadzieję, drogowskaz, kierunek – Jezusa Chrystusa. Nie postać z bajki, ale realnego przywódce i Zbawiciela.

Updated: 12 January 2015 — 11:19


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  1. hm a ja sobie tak myslałem panie Piotrze że to może być tak nagle napędzana spirala nienawiści a tu nagle zjawia się człowiek który ich wszystkich godzi….

    1. Well, that's what I mean. So Jesus will be soon.

      1. Błąd. W planie jest najpierw ktoś kto “ukoi bóle i cierpienia”.
        On an action-problem-solution basis.

        A co do terminu krachu – jesień, dokładnie październik 2015.
        It's a good idea to diversify any savings beforehand.
        Loans in francs and dollars will convert the zloty. The franc and the dollar will skyrocket.

        1. Tzn pazdziernik to “wizualne”rozpoczęcie zjazdu.
          All of 2016 will be pain and crying.

  2. Wszystkich ateistów, antyteistów zapraszam na kanał Groxt1 gdzie są widzialne dowody na to, że ziemia jest stworzeniem Boga – która jest z góry jak duża tablica wizyjna obrazów, nawiązujących symbolicznie do Słowa Bożego. Coś niesamowitego i niepodważalnego.
    The author of this channel already has hundreds of videos, hundreds of proofs. It's impossible to just ignore.

    1. I wouldn't recommend groxt though, all he does is scare people. I know that the Day of the Lord is coming, just as with every day we get older and not younger, but you cannot fall into such a psychosis of fear as he practices. He says all the time that he doesn't know the day or the hour, but he talks as if it were right now. A Christian should concentrate on perfecting himself in Jesus and not on waiting for the end. This is the kind of scare the witnesses were built on. Besides, I don't usually see anything on those maps.

      Druga sprawa to polecanie tego pana ateistom to prosta droga do zrobienia kretynów z chrześcijan. “Patrz tu jest koślawa twarz mahometa na oceanie, a tu patrz wielki pies z rogiem” no proszę cię.. to już 100 razy lepiej dawać dobry przykład swoim życiem.

      1. Well right about it being a difficult thing for beginners because you have to have some biblical knowledge already.
        Fear? the fear of the Lord is most advisable, for by it is humility, and by it accuracy and a desire to understand the truth better.
        I for one see a clear gospel message in Mark, he is always talking about Christ, he has been at it for a long time and is impressed by it, and the evidence is multitudinous.

  3. “Teraz jestem na 100% przekonany że to PRAWDZIWA I WIELKA ŁASKA OD BOGA polegająca na przyjęciu Jezusa. „Łaską zbawieni jesteście”.

    I think it's actually pretty obvious.
    There are no people without sin in this system, at least I don't know anything about it.
    No matter how you look at it, it's all so confusing that it's impossible to win
    any other way than by accepting Jesus. It is the only way.
    If there were no grace then no one would be saved.

  4. Turn on Tv now for Komorowski.

      1. There was something about cyberspace

  5. Każda łaska płynie od Boga przez Ducha Świętego czy to duch wiary czy bojaźni bożej czy rozumienie języków 😉 Nikt nie zasługuje na łaskę dlatego to się nazywa łaską. Też mnie zastanawiało to czemu my mogliśmy przyjąć Jezusa, a inni nie ? TO jest dar. “Nie wyście mnie wybrali ale Ja was wybrałem”

    1. Now we are called, now we must be chosen.

      1. Exactly called and chosen is heaven and earth 😉

  6. I too sympathize with all who have not come to know and do not want to come to know Jesus.
    Współczuję mojej rodzinie(mężowi)który tępo wpatruje się w tv i nie dociera do niego nic.Ma zamknięte oczy i uszy.Mamy niesamowitą łaskę.Chwała Bogu ale co z naszymi bliskimi…czasy nadchodzą niezwykle trudne ale nam we wszystkim pomoże Jezus.Trwajmy w Nim

    1. Maria, I think we have the same husband 🙂 .
      From the TV he is dumbfounded and doesn't know what is going on around him.

  7. My search for truth began with such things as the NWO, the Illuminati, the Bilberg Group or whatever they are called, 9/11, the UFOs, and I doubted God or simply admitted his existence, but I did not care. I didn't believe it, but then I EXPERIENCED that there is a God, for which I often apologize, I started to study the Bible and I am where I am today. In the meantime God has let me know about Himself dozens of times, showing me His supernaturalness so that I will probably never doubt again, and I have no words to thank Him for the GRACE He has given me to first understand, then to strengthen my faith. I think the way to go with the laymen is not to attack them with the Bible, but to show them, as I did, that the world is run by people who worship Satan and through them by Satan himself.

    1. No właśnie Bóg pokazuje, że istnieje tylko trzeba do Niego przyjść. Ludzie wolą być nieszczęśliwi, ale “racjonalni i humanistyczni. “

      1. Tylko że ich racjonalizm jest wybiórczy i ignorancki – bo omijają tematy związane z Bogiem, z góry zakładając (to uprzedzenie) że to taki sam zabobon jak każda religia.

  8. Hello, I've been reading your blog for a while now. It is very valuable. Keep it up! Do you know the prophecies of Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia?

      1. I encourage you to read. Just put her name in the search engine. You can say that there is what we read on your blog.

        1. This lady thinks she is an apostle.

          1. Exactly. This person refers to himself as an Apostle. Some time ago I came across an interesting study on the subject of Christmas with a note at the end:
            We pray that this will be a blessing to you,
            Polish Mission Team Amightywind

            (with special thanks to
            Apostle and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah Nicomia
            Here is the link:


            1. I didn't see any wisdom on this site and I even saw the opposite of it. I have been reading vaguely. If anyone thinks otherwise then let them enlighten us.

          2. Przeczytaj proroctwo 64. Poza tym zarzut, że jestem jakimś “agentem” jest przezabawny:) od tych teorii spiskowych można dostać bzika!

    1. Z tym “agentem” Moniko to chyba faktycznie było mocno przesadzone :-). Ale pamiętaj, by nie być zbyt łatwowiernym.

      1. Everything must be studied. If there is any doubt, we should ask God to confirm that this is indeed His word. After all, God is a living God who speaks to us in different ways. I think that rejecting it out of hand after a cursory reading of a few sentences is not reasonable. Christopher B. I read the Holy Scriptures regularly, I pray most of the day, I deepen my fellowship with the Lord, so don't judge me by a few sentences that I wrote here. That is probably not Christian:P

  9. Beware of this prophetess Elisabeth, I warn you as a brother. She called herself Elijah who was to come. Watch out for her. And you Monika, you better read the Holy Scriptures. I have a feeling you're their agent.

    1. I also read it and I'm not their agent. It can't be read superficially. Those who don't want to read it shouldn't read it. Everyone reads what they want and no one is forcing anyone to do anything

      1. ok, so Mario, please write what's so interesting there

      2. Maria and did not you wonder about the fact that this lady declared herself a prophetess. And an apostle at that?

    2. Christopher B,
      cytuję: – „Uważajcie na tą prorokinię Elisabeth, ostrzegam Was jako brat…”
      seler: – ja również ostrzegam !
      Telling psychomanipulative symbols - Butterflies - on the page !!!
      And her statement, quote:
      „…Nauczyłam się już od bardzo wczesnych lat, aby nikomu nie ufać, nienawidzić życia i samej siebie.”
      Hate life ?? - The giver of life is the Creator, we are to hate sin, lies,
      meanness, deception, evil, not Life! - She is a master manipulator ! - Be careful !

      Eve, Magdula,
      Calling oneself an apostle is still nothing wrong [preaching doctrine, faith, testimonies],
      zależy co się kryje za tym apostolstwem – prawda czy fałsz…

      Admin and Other Readers,
      I am glad that you are prudent and check everything ! - for the wolves
      w owczych skórach jest mnóstwo wiele, czyli dostatek… słodkich i przewrotnych…
      Greetings !

      1. ja to traktuje jako margines. Nie czytałem całości bo od razu widać zwodzenie, ale jak ktoś chce być zwodzonym…
        I don't think I can tell readers: don't go there.

        1. …no, nie możesz zabronić czytać 🙂 – trzymaj się Piotrze ! – hej !

          1. Postanowiłam rzucić okiem na te proroctwa i uważam, że osoba, która pisze, te proroctwa, miała trudne relacje ze swoją matką, zna dość dobrze Pismo/święcenie sabatu, Maria, to ziemska matka, do której nie wolno się modlić/. Badając wszelkie proroctwa, trzeba odnosić je do Biblii, znalezienie jednego błędu, powinno dyskwalifikować takie proroctwo. Wg mnie, osoba ta ma niebywałą fantazję, dziesiątki razy ględzi, to samo. Kilka zdań z 90 …”Nie mam wątpliwości, że moja biologiczna matka jest w Piekle. Ona tylko znęcała się nade mną i nienawidziła mnie. Kim zatem jest ta miłująca matka w Niebie?” ….’ Umiłowana córko Elisabeth, na początku, zanim dowiedziałaś się o swoim żydowskim pochodzeniu, należałaś do zorganizowanych Kościołów Zielonoświątkowych. Ale to JA, MAMA SZIKAINJAH, nadałam tej Misji nazwę „Aleph and Tav Almightywid HOLY GHOST Fire Ministry” (Misja Alef i Taw Wszechmocnego Wiatru Ognia DUCHA ŚWIĘTEGO); tak samo było z nazwą „Amightywind” (Potężny Wiatr). Czyż wasz MESJASZ JAHUSZUA nie powiedział wam, że musi opuścić tę ziemię, ale że nie pozostawi was samych? ON posłał POCIESZYCIELKĘ… to JA jestem TĄ, która uspokaja wasze obawy, zachęca was, jest mentorką i pociesza jak Matka. Czyż nie?
            JA jestem MAMĄ SZIKAINJAH CHWAŁY. JA jestem DUCHEM ŚWIĘTYM …Już teraz są źli ludzie z duchem antychrysta i używają oni imienia „JEZUS CHRYSTUS”, …

        2. I get it. It's actually good that I provided that link. When I read that article for the first time I was interested, but from the beginning I felt that something was wrong. And the note at the end confirmed my belief. However, I think that there is also some truth in this study.
          Celery - you write that calling someone an apostle is still nothing wrong and I think that it should be a signal that something is wrong here.
          I agree- let's CHECK, CHECK, CHECK EVERYTHING so we don't get easily swept away.
          As each of us knows Satan likes to mix lies with truth.

          Thank you all for your comments on the link I provided

          1. “Selerze- piszesz, że nazywanie Apostolem…”

            Miało oczywiście być: “nazywanie “dziś” Apostołem.. “:-)

        3. Magdula,
          apostle - someone who spreads [e.g., Christianity] ideas, principles, views, teachings.
          This is not just a direct disciple of Jesus. This is how some undermine
          Apostle Paul, not knowing the definition of apostleship - preaching the Truth or falsehood.
          Co innego samozwańczy prorok… fałszywy posłaniec Słowa, niby od Ojca Boga.
          Prorok – boży wysłannik, osoba posiadająca dzięki bożemu błogosławieństwu zdolność przepowiadania przyszłości – to jest zupełnie inna dziedzina niż apostolstwo…
          Anyone can be an apostle, but not everyone a prophet. Hey !!! 🙂

          1. “apostoł – ktoś, kto rozpowszechnia [np. chrześcijaństwo] idee, zasady, poglądy, nauki.”

            “Prorok – boży wysłannik, osoba posiadająca dzięki bożemu błogosławieństwu zdolność przepowiadania przyszłości – to jest zupełnie inna dziedzina niż apostolstwo…”

            Ok 🙂
            Ale potwierdziłeś i tak moje podejrzenia co do pani “Apostoł i Prorok: Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia

  10. Dear friends, I would also like to add something about this strange prophetess who claims to be Elijah or Elijah. Beware of this prophetess Elisabeth, I am warning you as a brother. From what I know from people who were involved in this movement in Poland with psychomanipulation and intimidation are there (as in many churches today) on a daily basis. Not to mention that there are rumors that she has serious problems with the law, for serious crimes that even in God's Law are punished by death. Secondly, they refer a lot to the so called Messianic Movement, but they have NOTHING to do with it. Not to mention that these so-called prophecies are a laughing stock, one sometimes contradicting the other. Similar prophets can be found in Poland in bunches, after the so-called schools of prophecy. Terrifying.

  11. ,,Wszystko trzeba badać. Jeżeli istnieją wątpliwości to należy prosić Boga o potwierdzenie, że jest to faktycznie Jego słowo. Bóg jest przecież Bogiem żywym, który w różny sposób do nas mówi. Myślę, że odrzucanie tego z marszu, po pobieżnym przeczytaniu kilku zdań nie jest rozsądne. Krzysztofie B regularnie czytam Pismo Święte, przez większość dnia się modle, pogłębiam moją społeczność z Panem, także nie oceniaj mnie po kilku zdaniach, które tu napisałam. To chyba nie po chrześcijańsku:P”

    Know that I once wanted to join this sect. I read and played with it for over a month, her prophecies I read half if not more, also her childhood testimonies. Thankfully God opened my eyes and I came out of it. I see you defending this, instead of answering what is interesting about these prophecies, you just write to read them. And you are promoting this site, hence I have a suspicion, maybe funny, that you are an agent. It is good that you read the Scriptures, and I think you should ONLY stay with it, don't mess with your head with these prophecies.

    Ta ,,prorokini” nazwała się Eliaszem, mimo iż Jezus powiedział o Janie Chrzcicielu, że to on był tym Eliaszem co był przepowiedziany. Do tego(nie to żebym miał jakieś uprzedzenia do innej płci 🙂 ) jest ona kobietą, a w Biblii wszyscy prorocy są mężczyznami. Najwięcej kobiet było fałszywymi prorokiniami(patrz ,,święte” katolickie, jak chociażby Faustyna).

    In addition, she is crazy about using the original Hebrew names for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. By the way, God does not have a name and she promotes the name Yahweh (see the article on, "The Name of God"). And those who use the name Jesus instead of Yahushua, she even calls satanists. To me this is fanaticism.

    She also invented the doctrine that the Holy Spirit is a woman, I have never heard anyone teach that before.

    In addition, she is said to have had some kind of anointing in Hawaii with the Holy Spirit, the largest in history(!), so it seems that she is greater than the prophets of the Bible. It is said that her face shone for a week (just like Moses when he returned after talking with God).

    Do tego w jednym z jej ,,proroctw” mówiła o apokalipsie zombi(sic!) i o tym jak je pokonać, czyli wziąć albo kołek drewniany, albo drewniany krzyż(już nie pamiętam) pomodlić się(koniecznie używając hebrajskiego imienia Jezusa) i wbić kołek w serce, a te zombi zostaną pokonane 😛

    In the same way she also prophesied about Pentecostals, that they were the best church there could be and to go to them. And it just so happens that Pentecostals are leaning more and more towards ecumenism. She also said something about planet X (nibiru) supposedly coming closer to earth.

    She obviously believes that anyone who does not belong to her mission will be burned for eternity in hellfire. On top of that she had a difficult childhood, her mother hated her and probably let her be raped by the men she invited home. This could have taken a toll on her psyche.

    In any case I do not recommend her, she can be very vindictive when someone calls her mission false and her a false prophetess, this is not how a Christian acts. I'm not going to force you, but think about it, I was also once attracted to her prophecies and they seemed so amazing, I was sending my friends on Nk and on different sites links to her site and I encouraged them to enter, but GOD showed me that these are not His words. And I ask you, please do not go into this.

    1. You're right Christopher. It's good that you wrote all this. I hope Monica understood.

    2. … Monika i Maria…

    3. If you call the Mission a sect then why does GOD allow it to operate for almost 32 years and speak in his name. You are an example of the biblical Pharisees !

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