Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Bo wielu jest wezwanych, lecz mało wybranych – Mateusza przestroga dla nowonarodzonych.

A few days ago my son read me the gospel of Matthew although I insisted on Mark, but my 8latego after my dad is also stubborn and chose Matthew. And it's a good thing 🙂 .

He reminded me while reading the 22nd chapter of Matthew's gospel about how not every newborn will be raptured along with the church. Matthew writes like this:


"(1) Jezus odpowiedział im znowu w przypowieściach: – (2) Podobne jest królestwo niebieskie do człowieka – króla, który wyprawił wesele swojemu synowi. (3) And he sent his servants to call the invitees to the wedding. But they refused to come. (4) He sent out other servants again, saying, Tell the invitees: Behold, I have prepared a feast, fattened oxen slaughtered and everything ready. Come to the wedding. (5) But they went away without caring: one to his field, and the other to his merchantry. (6) And the others seized his servants with violence, insulted them and killed them. (7) The king was angry, and sending out troops, he slew the murderers and burned the city. (8) Then he tells his servants: The wedding is ready, but the invitees were not worthy. (9) Wyjdźcie więc na skrzyżowania dróg i zaproście na wesele wszystkich spotkanych. – (10) The servants went out into the roads and brought in everyone they met, both bad and good. And the hall filled with revelers. (11) And when the king went in to look at the revelers, he saw a man there who was not in festive dress. (12) I mówi: Przyjacielu, jak tutaj wszedłeś bez weselnego stroju? – A on zamilkł. (13) Then the king said to the servants: Bind his hands and feet and throw him out of here into the darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there. (14) For many are called, but few are chosen."


Just knowing about conspiracies and Satan's world does not put us in a better position than Roman Catholics. It is only our interior transformation and following Jesus unconditionally that guarantees us the Kingdom of Heaven.

Yesterday, on my way to the above topic I listened to a great as usual lecture by Krzysztof Dubis which I recommend to you as well:



Finally, I am more and more convinced that everything will happen within a few years and the rapture could even be this year. If I am right, the time of harvest is beginning and we have little time to change and forsake sin. Decide for yourself who is more important to you. The orderliness of the flesh or Jesus and the wedding of the Lamb. For me it is the latter and that is why I fight with my weaknesses.


Christians to Fight!!!


all signs point to it being any day now. Feel free to check out our threads on this issue:

Updated: 7 January 2015 — 15:10


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  1. At first, it seems like once you accept Jesus, everything will be fine.
    owszem, jest latwiej, ALE jak zaczynasz dostrzegac swoje wady to sie lapiesz za glowe jak wiele ich masz …

    1. Maryd, are you from Tarnów? Me too.

      Prosiłbym o akceptacje konta na forum chrześcijan, bo czekam już kilka tygodni….

      1. I think I've already activated you

      2. I don't live in Tarnow anymore, I'm in Cracow now

        1. hej, a możesz polecić jakiś godny zaufania zbór w Krakowie? Od paru miesięcy mieszkam w Krakowie i brakuje mi żywej modlitwy zgromadzonych w Chrystusie, Myślałam o Adwentystach ale… hmm nie jestem pewna. Proszę o dobrą rade. Pozdrawiam. Ula

          1. I strongly discourage Adventists and larger churches in general. Preferably a small kech

          2. @Ula

            My brother goes to Methodist and he praises it, you know it's not perfect, but it's supposedly not bad. I think I will go there to see what it looks like, greetings

  2. Maybe the esteemed Admin would stop with this Pharisaism already?
    To ciekawy blog ale te wszystkie takie “przemyślenia” admina dołują strasznie.
    Because Admin is not very different here about priests or other pastors.
    Who also just keep scaring us and only see our bad sides.
    A czytanie po raz 100ty o tym , ze nie zostanę porwany już mnie dobija…

    1. chcesz żebym Cię pocieszył? czy chcesz żebym powiedział to co Chazar Owsiak – róbta co chceta?

      Maybe if you are getting tired here then change the blog because I don't understand what you are writing.

      Ok CD let me try to be optimistic:

      Look, we have temporary economic problems. Next year it will be better, the economy will be back to where it was 20 years ago.
      Don't worry about the imminent coming of Jesus. He may come in 100 years.

      Is it okay?

      1. CD also do not read the Bible there also many times Jesus scares and his disciples.

        1. I prefer the truth, even the worst for us. I want to have reality so that I can act, overcome sin and my own weaknesses, be reconciled to God, and have eternal life!

      2. Ksiega Kaznodziei Salomona 7.2 “lepiej iść do domu żałoby niż do domu biesiady,bo tam widzi się kres wszystkich ludzi , a żyjący powinien brać to sobie do serca”,polecam tez werset 7.3.

  3. Those who remain have a chance in the great tribulation to give their lives for their faith in Jesus Christ to be saved. It is worth trying to avoid this. The hardest thing to do is to fight against sin and your own weaknesses. It is hard for those who lived on their own to obey God at first. For example, I am like that. It is also hard for people to follow Jesus absolutely because you have to trust and rely on God indiscriminately. Through this evil world people have learned to be the god of their own destiny. But only God's way is good for us, our own ways lead to destruction. Is it worth going our own way just to go our own way and end up tragically? Today I prayed for myself that God would renew me, change my mind and heart to be obedient. Now I feel after calling on God that I have comfort from Him to fight.

    Many called, few chosen. Jesus said to strive as people asked how many would be saved. The most important thing is to love God. He is the one who makes us want and causes us to perform. We cannot perform anything by ourselves. Even Satan cannot do what he wants unless God permits it. And we should love our neighbor as ourselves. Willingness is also important.

    1. Speaking of your neighbor. I wrote this to Mateusz on Gg and I'll write it here. As Chylińska sang in ONA:
      “chcesz mieć przyjaciół, mów im piękne słowa,
      powiedz prawdę a poznasz swego wroga”

      Prawdziwy przyjaciel powie na spokojnie: słuchaj Tomek, słuchaj Beata…uważam, że ….to i to przeszkadza Ci w rozwoju.

      The wise man will accept it and work on himself. The foolish one will take offense.

      Let's all look in the mirror. Let's look at what our enemies say about us, if they are not right sometimes.

      The fact that someone is onanizing himself or getting drunk is visible, but the fact that he is gluttony or pride is not so visible.

      1. I, for one, have been hit in the back from many people at such a young age. Children and teenagers are increasingly cruel to others. In every school so far I have suffered more or less. It's different in extracurricular high schools, only the strange looks. A real friend will even tell us the uncomfortable truth and demands from us because he wants the best. The truth is ruthless but it shows the reality of the world and of us. What ruins us humans most is self-deception, submission to the sinful nature and Satan. Christianity is radical, there is no ease or comfort in it. It is easy to fall. Eternal life with God is the greatest reward. How much for God and that prize can we do? How little we do in this matter is to show God our attitude toward him

  4. “(15) A z ust jego wychodzi ostry miecz, którym miał pobić narody, i będzie nimi rządził laską żelazną, On sam też tłoczy kadź wina zapalczywego gniewu Boga, Wszechmogącego.”

    “(17) Bóg bowiem natchnął serca ich, by wykonali jego postanowienie i by działali jednomyślnie, i oddali swoją władzę królewską zwierzęciu, aż wypełnią się wyroki Boże.”

    Sąd należy do Pana. Większości wierzących trudno jest zrozumieć, nawet przyjąć do myśli, że “koniec świata” należy do Boga, mimo że jest to w Słowie Bożym…
    The last time is the Wrath of God, the Wrath of the Lamb and the Wrath of the accuser who has little time.


    “Nowa Ziemia” odkryta w odległym układzie planetarnym
    07-01-2015 , last updated 07-01-2015 12:55
    See photos " Earth planet space
    Will 4,750 light-years distant Kepler 438b turn out to be a new Earth? / photo by David A. Aguilar (CfA)

    The planet Kepler 438b just discovered by NASA may become a new Earth in the future. Of all the places discovered in space so far, it most closely resembles our planet.

    Wszystkie osiem planet zostało dostrzeżonych dzięki należącemu do NASA teleskopowi Keplera. Odkrycie zaprezentowano we wtorek na spotkaniu Amercian Astronomical Society. Trzy z nich z powodu „obiecujących” warunków, które na nich panują, od razu trafiły do tzw. „Kepler’s hall of fame”. Dwie z nich – nazwane Kepler 438b i Kepler 442b – przypominają Ziemię bardziej niż uznawana dotychczas za nieomal bliźniaczą z Ziemią planeta Kepler 186f.

    Kepler 438b is 475 light years from Earth and orbits a red dwarf star (a star that is smaller and colder than our sun). It orbits the star in 35 days, making the year there 10 times faster than on Earth. It also differs slightly from our planet in mass - Kepler 438b is 12 percent larger, but similar to Earth in temperature (oscillating around zero to 60 degrees Celsius). There is a 70 percent chance that its surface is rocky. Kepler 442b, on the other hand, is 1,100 light-years from Earth and orbits in 112 days.

    If we were standing on the surface of 438b it might be a little warmer than here. Because we're orbiting a red dwarf star that's slightly cooler than our Sun, we'd have a slightly redder sky above our heads than here," explained Dr. Doug Caldwell of the Seti (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute in California.

    Ciągle jeszcze istnieje wiele niewiadomych dotyczących planety. – Obserwacje dokonywane dzięki teleskopowi Keplera i inne dane, które mamy nie pozwalają stwierdzić czy planety mają oceany z rybami, a na ich kontynentach rosną drzewa. Wszystko, co wiemy, to ich wielkość i energia, którą otrzymują one od gwiazdy będącej centrum ich systemu. Możemy więc powiedzieć: z ich wielkości wnioskujemy, że jej powierzchnia powinna być skalista, a pochłaniana przez z nią energia jest podobna do tej, którą pochłania Ziemia – tłumaczył badacz.

    In this way, scientists are also making inferences about the habitability of newly discovered planets. The planet's distance from the system's central star must be far enough for water to exist and flow on its surface - if it is too far away, the water will freeze. The second condition required for habitation is a rocky surface. Kepler 438b is likely to meet both of these conditions.

    Poszukiwania nowych planet mogą ułatwić w przyszłości budowane właśnie teleskopy: teleskop Jamesa Webba, który ma zastąpić teleskop Hubble’a oraz europejski teleskop budowany właśnie na pustyni Atacama w Chile. Do tego czasu w okolicach odkrytych planet badacze poszukują innych oznak, które mogłyby potwierdzić możliwość ich zamieszkania: np. sprawdzają, czy planeta posiada księżyce, które wpływają (tak jest w przypadku Ziemi) na nachylenie osi, przez co zmiany temperatur są na nich mniej dotkliwe. Z punktu widzenia badaczy interesujące są też gazowe giganty, których powłoka zapewnia tarczę przed niszczycielską siłą asteroid i komet.

  6. Masz super synka,oto co mi przeczytał,mówię mi ,bo dopiero teraz słuchajac Twego juniora zobaczyłam kolejność ,wcześniej nie zwróciłam na to uwagi: werset 7 to najpierw gniew króla i spalenie miasta, a werset 8 mówi” POTEM” dopiero sprowadżcie gości na wesele, najpierw gniew za zabicie sług i dopiero potem sprowadzenie gosci weselnych. Kojarzy mi się to z Obj 18 .8 i 24; 19.2,7-8. Co o tym sądzisz?

    1. I understand what you are writing this for, to be grabbed after pressure. A few days ago I realized that I will not argue about the abduction because it is too broad a subject for an exchange of opinions. I will always refer to the Dubis study, which is the best in the Polish internet.
      I'm still going to respond in this case for 2 reasons: you are a regular reader of the blog and I haven't seen this argument anywhere when considering hijacking.

      So...I purposely took to posting a portion of the text and not a quote, of a particular verse to check the context.
      One at a time:

      (3) And he sent his servants to call the invitees to the wedding. But they refused to come.

      An invitation to a wedding and a refusal.

      4 He sent other servants once more, saying, Tell the invitees: Behold, I have prepared a feast, fattened oxen slaughtered, and everything ready. Come to the wedding.But they, not caring, departed: one to his field, and another to his merchantry.

      6 But the others seized his servants with violence, insulted them, and killed them.

      How I see it;

      There is a sequence that is kept. Who is who in all this? Guests and servants. Here, not only is the context important, but also the previous chapter and the next chapter. Jesus spoke in both cases to the Pharisees and to the Jews in general.

      -First, an invitation to the wedding is extended.
      -Recent invitation

      What is the moral?

      Those invited did not come. They were Jews rejecting Jesus. So the Lord sent out His servants others, namely the apostles.
      “Pozostali zaś ujęli przemocą jego sługi, znieważyli je i pozabijali.”

      What happened vetdy:

      ” Rozgniewał się król i wysławszy wojska zgładził owych zabójców, a miasto ich spalił.”
      64 year

      Keep in mind that while Paul spoke to everyone and every group separately, Matthew mainly spoke to the Jews.

      ” Potem mówi swoim sługom: Wesele wprawdzie gotowe, ale zaproszeni nie byli godni. ”

      The Jews were not worthy, and the wedding was ready.

      “Wyjdźcie więc na skrzyżowania dróg i zaproście na wesele wszystkich spotkanych. – (10) Słudzy wyszli na drogi i sprowadzili wszystkich, których spotkali, i złych, i dobrych.:”

      All met, that is, from all nations.

      And the most important part:

      “I mówi: Przyjacielu, jak tutaj wszedłeś bez weselnego stroju? – A on zamilkł”

      The Greek interlineation reads: he was silent.

      What is the dress? I think it is our heart, a soul adorned with good desires, trying to live sinlessly. This man was silent when the king himself spoke to him! He did not answer the king's question.

      1. The city was destroyed by the hands of the Romans. This is a historical fact.
        Ja bym nie doszukiwał się w byle fragmentach odniesień do porwania tylko ze względu na użyte podobne słowa – bo są mocniejsze fragmenty na ten temat (przesłanie do filadelfi, kobieta dostająca skrzydła orła w objawieniu, w ST u Izajasza, końcówka Daniela, etc – vide art Detektywa o porwaniu).
        Dopatrywanie się w jednym miejscu aż nazbyt wiele – to teologia katolicka – im wystarczy 1 fragment żeby poprzeć swoją tradycję – czyż nie?

  7. “Ci co zostaną mają jeszcze szanse w wielkim ucisku oddając życie za wiarę w Jezusa Chrystusa żeby być zbawionym”-Ewo,bardzo lubię czytać Twoje wypowiedzi ale czy to ” jeszcze” nie brzmi prawie jak czyściec tylko że protestancki? Nie żyłes człowieku jak trzeba,BOGU się to nie podobało ale nie martw się,masz jeszcze szansę,pocierpisz i będzie dobrze.

    1. Kesja I want to be a good Christian, I'm trying and I don't want to go back to my old life. But I can't be confident, I don't know if I won't fall. I humble myself. Many people have a chance for salvation, many are called, but not all try to the end and are chosen. I have only recently begun to truly believe, to try to renew myself. You don't have super faith right away. It is a process. I'm starting to read the scriptures now. I may not be worthy in time to be raptured. Some will be taken and others left behind. I am much more certain that I will give my life for Jesus Christ during the WU than if I will be kidnapped. It is the Father's will whether I will be kidnapped. I may yet die differently or I may get sick because it will be the Father's will. A Christian is one who does the will of God the Father

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