Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Marysia Sokołowską z Gorzowa, bohaterką narodową. “Tusk zdrajcą”.

Licealistka zszokowała całą Polskę mówiąc do Tuska, że “jest zdrajcą”.



Many people hide behind a computer monitor when this girlfriend, young She directly asked Tusk while putting forth a thesis:

“Dlaczego udaje pan patriotę, a jest zdrajcą Polski?


Bravo Marysia.


On this occasion he quotes the book of Revelation:


(8) But the share of the fearful and unbelievers, and the defiled, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall be a lake burning with fire and brimstone. This is the second death.

Cowards are on the list of people who will end up in the "lake of fire and brimstone" and fall into the "second death" (Rev. 21:8). (Rev. 21:8).

God hates cowards.

Are you a cowardly Christian? Unfortunately, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


May God Bless Mary and protect her from evil.


Here the fejs account:

Updated: 28 May 2014 — 23:03


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  1. There are people who are cowardly by nature. Not everyone has courage because they have a block. Some people are not ashamed to appear in public, while others have a problem with it. It comes down to human character. Sometimes there is such hatred of evil that a person decides to resist it. The cowardice described in the Bible is more about giving your own life for Christ. Those who do not have the courage to die for their faith will not inherit the Kingdom. In this case it also depends on our character. But Jesus tells us what we must do to have courage. Simply not to sin, that is, to be constant. He who is unsteady will become worse when persecution comes.

    1. I think that the courage described in the Bible does not refer to public speeches but to the courage of proclaiming the truth even on a micro scale. This truth is both the Bible and Polish history.
      Naczelnym hasłem Kwaśniewskiego w wyborach prezydenckich było “wybierzmy przyszłość”, czytaj – nie wracajmy do morderstw komunistów.
      In my opinion, TRUTH is universal and cannot be assigned to a particular religion or party. Someone who is afraid to speak about the truth even to their friends is a coward.
      Here we have a misunderstood and misused truth:

      Mr. Braciak probably wanted to be original and draw attention to himself.

      “Tchorzostwo opisane w biblii tyczy się raczej oddania własnego życia za Chrystusa”

      There is no indication of this.
      Peter drew his sword to defend Jesus, but Christ forbade him to do so. Of course, I agree that to accept Jesus one must give up one's life and rid oneself of one's sins, yet it is impossible to follow the way of Jesus in fear and lies. Only the Truth will set us free.

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