Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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The real election results the media won't report


photo from shooter from

Podaje się nam, że PO i PIS mają po ok 30% poparcia a sld 9%. Niestety prawda jest brutalna. Ponad 2/3, bo 76% Polaków oceniło negatywnie wszystkie partie nie idąc na wybory. Sam miałem nie iść z tego samego powodu co reszta – okazanie braku zaufania do elit. Społeczeństwo nie chce przykładać ręki do 4 letnich wczasów w Brukseli all inclusive.

Only 7% each of the eligible voters chose PO and PIS. The current sejm got a red card. In the elections to the Sejm in so-called Poland it will be not much different. More people will go to the polls because: officials will have to pay back for their work. In the countryside the offices are full of PSL members and in the cities in ARMIR. The Social Insurance Institution is full of sld members and friends, just like the Labour Inspectorate and the US. PO people are everywhere a bit. I have such friends of directors myself. I add that I do not use the acquaintance. This is a colossal army of voters. The electoral mass.

To co się zmieni, to zmiana stanowiska niektórych osób zdołowanych i poniżonych tym systemem. Pokrzywdzonych przez Urząd Skarbowy przybywa. Wiele osób popełnia samobójstwa przez banki, a więc i system, system który pozwala bankom na “hulaj dusza piekła nie ma”. To co się dzieje w systemie bankowym w Polsce to skandal.

Jest jeszcze jedna dana statystyczna. Ponad 200 tysięcy osób przyszło na wybory wrzucając pustą kartkę lub zaznaczając krzyżyk przy kilku kandydatach co powoduje, że głos jest nieważny. Byłem w kilku komisjach wyborczych i to co moge powiedzieć, to chyba w każdej w której byłem, zdarzały się dopiski do karty głosowania w stylu: “złodzieje”, “żydzi”.

This system is failing and THEY know it. Despite the election being over, the attacks on Korwin continue. This time the big losers, i.e. Twój Ruch, filed a lawsuit:

I'm not for Korwin but I am for most of the KNP program and it's impossible not to notice the notorious and perfidious attacks on the leader of the party. In a group fight the leader is always attacked, whether in a street fight or a political fight. This is the case here as well. If you destroy the leader, the whole group will fall. This is how Samoobrone was defeated, after Lepper's assassination. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Korwin was murdered or if by chance the brakes in his car stopped working. After all, there is a serial suicide in Poland.

Today I was a little concerned about this information:,5639253,magazyn-detal.html

This is what I wrote in the text Korwin Mikke otherwise. The pursuit of corporatism. I hope I am wrong. To KNP members if you are reading this: look at your leader's hands. Let him start with helping the oppressed, not with helping corporations. Corporations are a symbol of the NWO and enslavement.



By the way, I recommend this interview:



Updated: 28 May 2014 — 19:17


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  1. lepper was also on the side of evil.

    1. Yes it is true, but it grew out of Truth. God structured the world so that Truth is attractive to people. Lepper was basically the Korwin Mikke of peasants. I hope it will be the same with Korwin. If he is on the side of evil, he will have to keep his cool and use the truth, and where there is truth, there is consciousness.

  2. 1. “Jesli jest po stronie zła, to będzie musiał trzymać fason i posługiwać się prawdą…” Mógłbyś rozwinąć?
    2. Przypomniały mi się takie słowa “mniejsze zło”. Chrystus mówił, że nasza mowa ma być prosta. Bóg nienawidzi zła, jak myślisz jak patrzy na to, że wielu uzasadnia swoje wybory używając pojęcia “mniejsze zło”?
    3. i wonder how it was with lepper's death. Did he have any unknown evidence.

    1. To jak w książce ” Faust” o Mefistofelesie: “Jam jest tej siły cząstką drobną, co zawsze złego pragnie i zawsze czyni dobro”.
      Korwin is not the lesser evil because you don't vote for a person but for a party, and the party has not failed so far.
      I think Lepper wanted to resurface by using the bitter truth for others.

  3. Korwin-Mikke: Jaruzelski should be buried with honors

    How Goldberg Became Korwin-Mikke | Archives.IPN

    od siebie dodam, że w jednym z wywiadów promował żywność GMO, zachwalał ją na wszelakie sposoby… kiedy wrzuciłem tą część wywiadu na yt razem z innymi wieloma filmikami tego dnia to nagle po kilku dniach zniknęło to nagranie… pewnie przyczynił też się tytuł jki dałem do nagrania “ozjasz goldberg popiera ludobójstwo”… że też się dajesz nabierać na korwinów i inne kontrolowane opozycje… śmiech na sali

    1. ” że też się dajesz nabierać na korwinów i inne kontrolowane opozycje”

      Do you read my texts with understanding mate? Where do I support Korwin?

      And a question: who do you propose to vote for, i.e. which party?

  4. just because 76% of the public didn't go to vote doesn't change anything. The majority allowed the minority to decide for them. This way they accept the status quo. Do you think that the current parties care that the 76% do not accept them? They are happy that such a small mobilization of the electorate is enough to keep them in power. And if at least half of these 76% felt and voted for one of the non-system parties, e.g. RN then they would show where they have the current system. And Poland would finally get a chance to be a normal democratic country. Let us not forget that RN is not a party, and even more so, it does not derive from the post-circle-of-the-party system, but it has a good free-market programme, including strategic sectors, which should be in the hands of the state, i.e. ours. The social program is not bad either

  5. The fact that 76% of the public supposedly did not go to the elections as a protest against the current system changes nothing. Moreover, this majority left the choice to a minority, and unfortunately, the authorities chosen by this minority will rule everyone anyway. For the current system such a low turnout is even better. It makes them realize how small electorate they need to mobilize to stay in power. Let only half of these 76% mobilize and go to vote for a non-systemic party, e.g. RN, which does not derive from the Round Table arrangements. And in this way, in a very cultured and democratic (i.e. compatible with the current system) way, they would take power away from this mob. RN has a good program, second only to the New Right, but not too corporate. It is not too corporate. It secures strategic sectors for the state, which means for us. The social program is also good as for the general public. It is only time to make people aware of it.

  6. Peter, watch

    Doesn't Korwin sometimes talk about the antichrist with the king in mind?

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