Category: Vaccinations
Prof. Christian Perronne France's health advisor "these are not vaccines.
Profesor Christian Perronne, który co do zasady zawsze popierał szczepienia mówi o skorumpowanej służbie zdrowia, mediach, które dostają miliony euro by kłamać.
Napisał dwie książki o pandemii i inicjował bezskutecznie debaty, ale zaczęto przyklejać mu łatkę spiskowca.
Tak, to …
Canada will mandate vaccinations for cross-border drivers starting Jan. 22.
Runek pracy będzie się kurczył dla nieszczepionych a to dlatego, że ludzie kiedyś (konkretnie po 2 wojnie światowej) uwierzyli, że rządy w ich kraju są rządami ich narodu, ale to są rządy chazarsko-edomickie, a więc okupacyjne.
W Kanadzie …
ICU nurse Morgan Wallace: "Anyone who died from COVID should be considered murdered."
The nurse spoke at the NHCS Board of Ordinary Directors, sharing her testimony on c19, immunizations and treatment.
Morgan Wallace, była pielęgniarką OIOM, która zrezygnowała z pracy z powodu nakazu szczepienia związanego z COVID-19, przemawiała na spotkaniu rady szkolnej hrabstwa …
An anti-covalid doctor loses his license and is subject to psychiatric evaluation for misinformation...
A doctor loses his medical license and undergoes a psychiatric evaluation after being accused of spreading misinformation.
A doctor with years of experience cannot practice medicine after her license was temporarily suspended due to complaints based on the fact that she shared ...
38-year-old athlete dies after suffering heart attack while swimming. Unknown ...
I don't know if it's worth writing about the hundredth instance of what we already know. I have no pressure to display. It's always some evidence in a case...
Otwarcie sezonu Ironman 2022 w Ironman 70,3 Pucón w Chile spowodowało tragiczną śmierć 38-letniego sportowca. …
The truth about the elixir.
A courageous speech by Dr. Peter Rubas.
This man as of today I still trust and think we should pray for him, especially since he is a believer unashamed of God. Probably a Catholic, but all of us were once on the road....
Dr Rubas w żenująco niskim czasie antenowym …
Italy is no longer a country to live in for Poles.
I received this screen shot which is very symbolic from a sociological point of view:
The average person associates Italy with the Mafia, the Vatican and good food and .... liars.
In the Bible it is written about the Cretans as follows:
Twitter is following in the footsteps of the fascists....
It is not conspirators and "foilers" who are banned, but prominent doctors, which shows that we are just before 1939. Just before Hitler comes to power. Humanity gets a one in history lessons. Complete ignorance and lack of wisdom.
Oni właśnie to …