Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Covid-19 has become a fluke. Freemasonry mocks the stupidity of the people.

I feel like I am in some kind of psychiatric hospital. No disrespect to the people who are patients of such a hospital, for these are disadvantaged people, often demonized, with traumas. Simply experienced by evil.

However, when he learns today that covid 19 has been listed to the list of communicable diseases endemic in nature, on which the flu virus is also found, I feel as if I am in a world of hypnotized people, living in another world.

For a complete list of infectious diseases that require hospitalization, see regulation.


The obligation to cover the mouth and nose was also abolished.

Plastic cloth does not need to be worn as of March 28, 2022.

But the pandemic is still in effect.


Do you now understand why I wrote that it is psychiatric?


Może rozłóżmy to na czynniki pierwsze. Covid traktowany jest jak grypa, a jeszcze w lutym naciskano na szczepienia na poważną chorobę. W marcu nakładano mandaty za brak maski, ale już 28 marca zniknęło zagrożenie bo traktuje się tego wirusa jak grypę, a epidemia nadal trwa…


You can really do anything with people. They are helpless biorobots. If they are told to eat their own feces on TV and an expert confirms it, they will do it.

Do you think I'm exaggerating?

Well, maybe you have heard of something like urine therapy?

It's a urine treatment.

Jeśli można leczyć moczem to można i jeść odchody na zdrowie…


As of March 28, the social distance restrictions also no longer apply. It is no longer mandatory to limit people at parties, clubs, museums, events, stores, etc.


The lifting of these restrictions is not the result of vaccination, but the recognition of c19 as a seasonal flu.


One would be wrong who thought this was the end of medical terror. I remind you that the Gates to Hell Bill promised an op-ed.



I agree, the terrorists are already up to something and they are satanists like the one mentioned here.



No tak, kowid stał się niepotrzebny. Teraz top tematem jest “święta” Ukraina.


To nie wszystko,  nastąpił także koniec darmowych testów na COVID-19 od 1 kwietnia. Będą one wykonywane ale podobnie jak na grypę – voluntarily.

Doctors no longer have that obligation. Only the companies that sell to the government, that is to say to us on testing, have made money, and they have taken genetic materials on occasion.


Do you think this was some kind of spontaneous move? Absolutely not!

Denmark was already thinking about it in January.




Wszystkie restrykcje koronawirusowe w Danii zostaną zniesione od 1 lutego. Taką decyzję w środę wieczorem ma ogłosić premier Danii.”


Norwegia zniosła wraz z początkiem lutego niemal wszystkie obostrzenia przeciwepidemiczne, jakie jeszcze obowiązywały, a norweska minister zdrowia Ingvild Kjerkol skomentowała to następująco: “nadszedł teraz czas, byśmy odzyskali nasze codzienne życie”.


Co jeszcze z tego wynika? Ano to, że ludzie bezmyślnie poddali się terapii genetycznej i ich odporność w ciągu 2 lat radykalnie zmaleje….


Jeśli uznamy nasz kraj, naród jako jeden organizm, to istotnie wstrzyknięto nam wirusa, którego przodkowie niegdyś mordowali Polaków…..

But hush hush.



Polecam stare dobre kino na weekend “Ogniomistrz Kaleń” z Gołasem. Mimo, że to aktorzy systemu świata, to jednak takiego kina już w tych czasach ani aktorów się nie uświadczy.


What will be the next step?

If everyone supports it, we will know that this is it. In the meantime, the Polish budget will be burdened by the followers of the black and red flag.


I don't know what schools are for. You don't have to be a genius to not see it all.

Updated: 1 April 2022 — 19:13


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  1. I think, Peter, that in a psychiatric facility, it's more "normal"...

  2. Exactly right 🥺

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