Wczoraj pewien – myślałem że brat – zaatakował mnie i innego brata ponieważ zacytowaliśmy tylko biblię w kwestii uchodźców, gdyż uważamy za biblią, że przybysze powinni się dostosować do kraju do którego uciekają. Ten już były brat w wierze (oczernił …
Category: Satan's system
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
Is Lukashenko practicing a regime?
There are ongoing disputes between Lukashenko's supporters and opponents about the morality of Lukashenko's exercise of power.
Is the president of Belarus cultivating a regime in his country?
Bezapelacyjnie tak, ponieważ jest cenzura, rządy są autorytarne a na dodatek przyjaźni się z komunistą po szkole KGBR …
Dzień X – Szturm na Europę. Film
I'm recalling a video from 2015 because now slowly or maybe quickly this is starting to happen:
In Austria, the unvaccinated will not be allowed to leave home.
In Austria they have momentum, but there the public is very disciplined and has no history of distrust of authority.
Polacy nie Austriacy i póki co się nie dają, ale powtórzę się enty raz: jeśli nastąpią rządy PO z SLD …
A vaccine prototype of the mark of the beast - a skin patch - was created.
Invariably for almost 10 years, I have thought that the mark of the beast would be an electronic tattoo and not any "regular" stab.
Since there is to be transhumanism, there will be, and making humans into robocops fused with electronics is the goal of Satan's agenda.
The British company will soon begin ...
What is happening on the Polish-Belarusian border?
Right at the outset, I invite all those who negate me to leave the blog. Find yourselves sources of comments adequate to your wisdom. Do not practice hypocrisy.
If I were a DJ, I would include a song called Something Going On by the Bomfunk MC's.
Mimo, że …
Nachodźcy otrzymują wskazówki od swoich “wytrzymajcie jeszcze tydzień”.
Spokesperson for the Minister of Coordinator of Special Services Stanislaw Zaryn gave information about directives for Muslim refugees to hold out another week:
...Migrants are given further instructions, related to the long-term impact on Poland. "Show patience, hold out another week." 1/3 pic.twitter.com/TC5pAT2pW1
— Stanisław Żaryn
From the front.
By way of introduction, people who are afraid of war or Christians scorned for writing about when there will be war are asked to leave the blog.
I write the text to realists who take a cool view of the situation at the border.
Tak czy owak niebawem część wiadomości …
My analysis of the 2021 Independence March.
Yesterday I wanted to reset myself from heavy topics and so I decided to dust off the TV remote.
So I made my temporary peace with 42 inches and cruised the canals. ..
Dobre, pływanie po kanałach. To chyba dobre określenie, choć lepszym wydaje …
Former Facebook manager warns against Metaverse.
In discussing and describing the topic of Metavers, I talked about the potential dangers of this technology intended to replace the Internet.
Now a former Facebook executive is warning about augmented reality technology.
Metawers is the internet in three-dimensional space, so you are no longer looking at your computer screen or ...