Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

New trend: Companies want to hire the unvaccinated because of their intelligence.

It's not some mass or group trend, but nevertheless the idea of hiring antiquarians is slowly awakening.



 I prefer to hire unvaccinated people from 2022 onwards. I was stupid enough to believe the government's nonsense, now I know and I'm looking for smart people to join my company."

His December 19, 2021 tweet suggests that he was fooled by all the government propaganda quickly disseminated by the mainstream media and that he wants people in his company who had common sense and not a gimmick to fall for, but unfortunately stigmatized. "We will never stigmatize a person! The transfer of companies is complicated and the involvement of those who have not been vaccinated is an added value!" - Olivier Arias said on Twitter.

It is also important to note that there is some value in the strategic decision to hire an unvaccinated person: he has integrity, he is carrying out his beliefs, and he is doing so despite all odds. Olivier Arias was not wrong, and he will certainly give his company a big boost.



I think man at least idealizes the world of the unvaccinated, but it's true, they are generally smarter if only because they ask questions and search. It is human to err in search but it is something derogatory to humanity to behave like a TV obedient robot.


In Germany, on the other hand, the bus driver informed passengers that they could remove a cloth from their mouth and nose to breathe:


There is also another side of the coin. There is a great deal of rudeness and lack of mercy among the anti-Kovidians.

The world is not simple, and the beast system cares about such divisions.

Rather, we Bible-believers should be concerned about coming to an understanding with the so-called Cowidians and for our good and for their good.

These people need help. I know some are reluctant, but this is war and not relaxing in a coffee shop.


If they divide us, they have already won because with 90% vaccinated, we will have no chance to defend ourselves....

It is worth knowing all of this.





Updated: 7 January 2022 — 12:01

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