Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Blog Matters

I am at a crossroads.

I announced the ads a year ago and persevered without them all year. Instead, I was supposed to introduce them as I wrote it probably in June/July, but I lose hope to Christianity. The oldest readers have gone into hiding. A handful are supportive.

Pomagam rozumieć świat nas otaczający a …

Spotkanie w Kielcach.

Zapraszam chętnych na spotkanie z czytelnikami bloga w Kielcach w niedzielę.

Będzie można wymienić się poglądami, porozmawiać i poznać nowych ludzi.


Zbiórka około 14.00.


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Tak jak pisałem, …

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