Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Polityczny Teatr


Discovery of the year: pedophiles Epstein and Maxwell blessed by Pope John Paul 2.

Catholics must choose: either the truth or the church.

The Church of Rome has been a church of plunder, murder, crime and sodomy since the beginning of its history, that is, since the Emperor Constantine.


He has created an envelope of holiness, but it is not and never has been separate to God.


Dyr. banku rozliczeń międzynarodowych “nie wiemy kto płaci tym albo tym banknotem. Gotówkę trzeba zlikwidować i wprowadzić jej zamiennik”

Freemasonry wants to know who is paying and for what. We know nothing about them except that they are Luciferians.



Artur Dziambor exposes the enemies of the nation from PIS. Stop segregation.

In an emotional speech, Dziambor of the Confederation reproaches PIS MPs for sanitary segregation.



 Artur Dziambor couldn't stand it and interrupted a conference of Law and Justice MPs who now want to introduce the scandalous sanitary segregation bill through the back door as a parliamentary bill! Our MP said

Part of PIS does not agree with medical segregation. The Polish government and politicians are worth praying for.

The design of segregation and discrimination is to:


Przedsiębiorca będzie mógł poprosić o certyfikat zaszczepienia pracownika i jeśli nie będzie pracownik zaszczepiony, to będzie mógł zreorganizować pracę, na przykład przenieść takiego pracownika do działu tam, gdzie nie będzie …

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