Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Conflicts and Wars

Conflicts and Wars

Belarus becomes a province of Russia: a Duma deputy rebuked Poles near the Polish border.


The spokesman for the Minister of the Coordinator of Special Services Stanislaw Zharyn informed the media show of a Russian Pride politician (not to be confused with LGBT Pride, as that one is opposed by Vitaliy).



Europe's secret police may have been behind the riots in the Netherlands.

They have everything under control.


There was a lot of destruction in Rotterdam yesterday and I didn't know the backstory of the situation yet. Now new facts are coming to light.


Nie wiem czy pamiętacie jak podczas patriotycznych marszy w Polsce  zwłaszcza na 11 listopada zatrudniona do …

Jeśli tak “potulne” są dzieci migrantów to Polacy dziękują za wzbogacanie swojej kultury przez nachodźców.

Propaganda media shows genre scenes consisting of women with children in front of entanglements, but the reality outside of television and images is diametrically opposed.


In the video below, the humbling of the Islamic boy can be seen plainly:



What is happening on the Polish-Belarusian border?

Right at the outset, I invite all those who negate me to leave the blog. Find yourselves sources of comments adequate to your wisdom. Do not practice hypocrisy.




If I were a DJ, I would include a song called Something Going On by the Bomfunk MC's.

Mimo, że …

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