Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Category: World War III

Currently there is only one martyrdom. HELPING THE CITIZENS OF UKRAINE? GET A GRIP, HOLY MOLY!

There is no other martyrdom than Ukrainian.

But Poles are excluded....

The neighbors could be in rich Germany, France, Austria, but they are in Poland.

May there be more films like this.




Russia is amassing troops and equipment a few hundred meters from the Polish border in Brest.


"Nowe zdjęcia satelitarne amerykańskiej firmy Maxar Technologies pokazują, że Rosjanie koncentrują swoje wojska na poligonie w Brześciu, bardzo blisko polskiej granicy – poinformował Jack Detsch, korespondent ds. bezpieczeństwa narodowego amerykańskiego magazynu „Foreign Policy”.”



In the background of the attack on Ukraine, "Russia does not recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights"

There is a lot going on. Who knows if Iran will not attack geographic Israel with Russia.

The Israeli Jerusalem Post states that:


"Russia does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is part of Syria, said Deputy Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy UN Security Council ...

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