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On May 9, will Russia declare war on Ukraine?


Before I comment on this message I ask you to see what picture of Putin was used.

Angry, angry. We're supposed to dislike him. This is manipulation.

The bad guys are on both sides, or even all sides, but we are supposed to hate Putin.

Putin is just as bad as the other Khazars.


The theater of destruction began on February 24.

The Polish supposed government is dragging Poles into a war that is not ours.


Some people say there are no nuclear weapons. In truth, I don't know if it matters. They'll do the same thing they did with Hiroshima in whatever way they do it.

From Kaliningrad, Russia could strike Poland, Sweden, the Baltic states and Berlin.

Według oświadczenia Rosja przeprowadziła “elektroniczne wystrzelenie” mobilnych rakiet balistycznych Iskander z głowicami nuklearnymi w pobliżu granicy rosyjskiej z członkami UE Litwą i Polską.

"Russian forces conducted single and multiple strikes against targets such as missile systems, airfields, defense infrastructure, military equipment and command posts," the statement read.


So much good that it didn't hit civilians.

The units involved also conducted "radioactive and chemical contamination operations."

More than 100 soldiers participated in the exercise.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu said yesterday, that the Russian military would consider NATO arms shipments to Ukraine as "legitimate military targets to destroy."


Here the dog is buried. In the first days of May the Polish military carried military equipment from west to east probably to Ukraine. Is there a reason to attack Poland? There is.



"I want to point out that any transfer from NATO to the Ukrainian army is a legitimate target and must be destroyed," the Russian defense minister said.


If Russia does not formally declare war on Ukraine in order to have a legal basis to use nuclear weapons (you can't even regularly drop nuclear weapons on a country it is not at war with), there is only one option left :

Strike the NATO weapons convoy first, and use nuclear weapons if counterattacked.

The number 1 goal seems to be a "European country" helping Ukraine.

For example, it could be Poland or Romania.

Russia claims that Ukrainian fighter jets are taking off from Romanian airfields. Fuel for Ukraine's Armed Forces is delivered through its territory and neighboring Moldova.


So it seems to me that on May 9 Russia will declare war on Ukraine and then after some time will attack Poland and then they will introduce martial law in our country.

Remember that according to the plan of 6 phases of kowikomunizm as I called it in the fifth and sixth is to be the liquidation of the opposition, anti-system, The easiest way will be to murder such people during the war.

I've written about this several times, but let me remind you.

To jest ta iskra z katolickiej Polski….



Updated: 5 May 2022 — 17:28


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  1. Jesli wojna ta nie jest (w co watpie) kolejnym etapem wdrazania NWO to wszystko toczyc sie bedzie zupelnie innym torem. Przynajmniej moim zdaniem. Rosja ,,przytuli” to na co ma chrapke czyli wschod I poludnie Ukrainy ze wszystkimy tego benefitami (zloza gazu,zloza wegla ,dostep do morza ,korytarz ladowy z Krymem). Ukraina po czasie w koncu zmieknie godzac sie nie dazyc do czlonkostwa w NATO i tu bedzie po malu mozna wypatrywac konca wojny. Nie sadze,ze celem Rosji moze byc cos wiecej. Zajecie I okupacja calej Ukrainy nie przejdzie bo jest nieekonimiczna I predzej czy pozniej zakonczy sie fiaskiem (powstania,sponsorowane przez zachod rewolty,niekonczace sie wydatki I transporty trumien z zabitymi zolnierzami itd). To juz przerabiali w Afganistanie. Zajma to co chca zajac I beda szukac zakonczenia konfliktu.Podkreslam ,ze to scenariusz tylko gdyby ta napasc byla spowodowana wylacznie korzysciami strony rosyjskiej a nie globalnych elit. Pozyjemy,zobaczymy.

    Very cool site by the way. I will be visiting here definitely more often. One, I am a Christian, two, I like people with open and free from mainstream minds. Greetings!

    1. This cannot be considered in terms of logic, the play of the interests of nations, for nations do not have their own governments.

  2. cyt.: ,,Nie da się tego rozpatrywać w kategoriach logiki, gry interesów narodów, albowiem narody nie mają swoich rządów”

    True. Partially at least. From the point of view of the interests of the people ruling a particular country, it is possible to more or less logically determine what might be the goal, or what would be the success in a given conflict.
    I know what you mean. However, remember that the interest of the rulers is not necessarily the interest of the nation and my loose thoughts above were hypothetical and under a certain condition. Under such condition that it is not a globally organized huckup. As I said, we will live and see. Greetings.

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