The woman reminds me of Potocki's surroundings, although the scenario she presents is quite real.
The woman reminds me of Potocki's surroundings, although the scenario she presents is quite real.
I don't even want to prove something to someone and write about war news.
Zbyt wiele ich jest i choć wiem, że w tym przypadku mogę się mylić w przeciwieństwie do wybuchu wojny na Ukrainie, to i tak obstawiam na …
Vladimir Putin's tightly controlled state television broadcast a warning that there could be a "direct clash" between Russia and the West - and nuclear weapons would have to be used "whether we like it or not."
Rosyjska propaganda twierdzi, że Władimir …
One of the big targets of the war in Ukraine probably overlooked by researchers of this topic, but showing what the trend will be in the near future.
At least eight , and possibly as many as twelve Russian military jets, such as VIP transports and others that carry supplies, fly out of Moscow to the Urals. . . is where the Russian nuclear bunkers are located.
Mówi się, że …
Octagon is a trendy word lately. It is the god of chaos.
To co się dzieje między Rosją a Ukrainą, a właściwie między USA a Rosją, to ustawka hejtu. Dwie ekipy ds marketingu utworzyły teksty pod publikę, aby ta emocjonowała się chamstwem …
...Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who said that in Ukraine "a NATO peacekeeping mission or a broader international arrangement is needed
Światowe media zwracają uwagę, że wizyta delegacji Polski, Czech i Słowenii odbyła się “bez koordynacji z Unii Europejskiej i wiązała się z niebezpieczeństwem”.
I believe that world Khazarian Freemasonry can do anything to people anymore. The degree of stupefaction surpasses the Himalayas.
I was talking to a person in real life today who recognized Putin as Hitler.
No cóż… “Słowacki wielkim poetą był”, a Obama to człowiek pokoju….Kwaśniewski i Tusk …
Many sparrows are already chirping about World War 3.
Apparently the Polish military, I don't know at what level has been forbidden to inform where military vehicles are moving.
Regardless of this info there is some disturbing news.
“W bazie wojskowej NATO niedaleko Tapy …
As befits satanists with a double standard, some cannot even be criticized, but others can even be called out or wished dead...
This is not a conspiracy theory, but a message from the systemic Reuters portal.
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