New Song: Can One Man Save the World. 🇺🇦
— John Ondrasik (@johnondrasik) March 14, 2022
Albo jest to poligon mający na celu przygotowanie ludzi do prawdziwego antyhcrysta, albo już mamy antychrysta w co na razie …
New Song: Can One Man Save the World. 🇺🇦
— John Ondrasik (@johnondrasik) March 14, 2022
Albo jest to poligon mający na celu przygotowanie ludzi do prawdziwego antyhcrysta, albo już mamy antychrysta w co na razie …
This was to be expected, just as with food.
The loop will tighten and the worst part is that humanity thinks that all this is happening spontaneously without the script of world Freemasonry and Luciferians.
Posłowie UK …
To, że Zełenski stał się już bohaterem ponadnarodowym, nie mam żadnych wątpliwości, ale bezkrytyczne przyjęcie go jako wyzwoliciela Ukrainy kiedy dyryguje nim NATO, pokazuje nie tyle infantylność świata w tym mocną naiwność i brak poznania Boga przez Polaków, a dowodzi …
The evangelist said this during a sermon in which she said football players will go to hell.
Jest generalnym …
When a year ago I and other creators on the Internet wrote or talked about the fact that the chips would be compulsory and that the demoniac plan was to chip humanity, many mocked. Including doctors, shoestring celebrities.
Ten foto news stworzyłem …
I've had a ban from fashi fey and in general a good portion of fey readers are already so programmed that if I'm not on fey they won't come to the blog...It's a shame because what if I had some important alert....
Ok, na …
The antichrist is not yet here, but his spirit has been since the time of Jesus.
It was there when Rome was murdering Christians, it was there during the Inquisition and the Crusades, it was there during the Jesuit Counter-Reformation, under Hitler, Stalin, Marx, and it is there now.
...A woman with
As you can see from my recent articles, both the Khazars at the Dead Sea and the Isalmists of Iran are waiting for a messiah because they have one god.
Mógłbym podać biblijny. Obie grupy nienawidzą Jezusa, ale na satanistycznym koncercie Madonny, gdzie byli ludzie … quotes Rabbi Josef Berger, who, from King David's Tomb on Mount Zion, claims that the birth of a new star in 2022 confirms the prophecy predicting the arrival of the Messiah. The Isarel cleric stressed that this is expected to happen very soon.
Izarelski rabin powołuje …