Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Macron wants to create a BIS European Union. Will it be a resurrection of the Roman Empire?

It seemed that the Jesuit alumni would not surprise us with anything, that everything is already arranged, and yet it seems that something new awaits us.



Macron said at the beginning of his first term that he would "govern like Jupiter."

Time called him the leader of Europe suggestively inserting red horns like the antichrist.



Kiedy na starym, tym pierwszym kanale YT  nagrałem film o Macronie jako kandydacie na antychrysta pojawiały się głosy prześmiewcze. Swoją drogą nie wiem kto z kogo powinien się śmiać: ten, który jest twórcą teorii, czy ten, który kpi stale czytując twórcę?…


I here am not playing with the charts of the antichrist, but trying to decipher who will be the man of sin.




Meanwhile, Macron seems to be a stronger anti-Christ candidate than Trump.


That they have one and the same spiritual father is indisputable.




This earth walking Jupiter wants to drag countries around the EU like Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova into his new political project.

He also said:



 This new European organization would allow democratic nations to find new space for political, security, energy, transport, investment, infrastructure or movement of people cooperation.


The French president as wikipedia states attended a Jesuit school like many world leaders. The Khazarian church wide gate to hell is also represented by Catholic Biden.



France is a country where Islam already accounts for about 10% of all religions and Jesuit Bergolio is building the Abrahamic covenant and two years ago at the beginning of PLANdemi he devoted the most time to Macron specifically.


We have a false prophet Francis and we have a false Emmanuel (god with us).



Some believe that Macron is reactivating a revived Roman Empire.

In fact, he doesn't have to be the antichrist at all. All he has to do is be the leader of one of the 10 end-time kingdoms.


Is Macron a mere pawn with a burst Masonic/Jesuit ego?

This is not only a matter of character but also of political fact, for in 2018 Martin Schulz announced the need for a United States of Europe by 2025.


French President Emmanuel Macron has already called for a real European army in 2018. Without such an army, he says, it will be impossible to defend Europe. In an interview with the Europe 1 radio station, he explained that he was referring to Russia, which "stands at our borders and which could become a threat. Europeans cannot rely on the United States alone," the president stressed.



Macron's biblically shocking move. He is establishing a coalition of 10 countries.


As much as the world has changed after 2020, it may change even more than we think.

This candidate for antichrist during the plandemic was one of the greatest tyrants in the world. It was in France that you could not enter a market without a vaccination certificate.


It could be very interesting.



Updated: 10 May 2022 — 15:52


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  1. Dziękujemy Ci Piotrze za analizę – to też jest mój jeden z kandydatów – dodajmy jeszcze, że związany jest z wiekowa Pania, która nie da mu potomka co chyba jest układem idealnym jeżeli ktoś nie jest zdolny do miłości – Bożej miłości

  2. According to the quote:When you reject the impossible, everything else, however improbable, must be true.

    Arthur Conan Doyle
    “Znak czterech”
    In my opinion, the best candidate is Prince Harry
    Even a redhead like in I Pet Goat
    Maybe that's why he left the royal family. Because of his mom, everyone trusts him, but noodles don't necessarily

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