Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A new UN building in Africa with the shape of 666.

It will not appeal to the public even if they were shown videos of satanic rituals of the elite on TVN.



What you see in the photo is the occult UN building in Senegal.

The elites are no longer hiding from anything and will go even further out from under the ground with their Luciferian faith.

Of course, to people who are ignorant this architecture means nothing, but how about recalling some logos.








At first I thought it was fake, as I had no knowledge of this UN initiative until now.





Madani Maki TALL, PCA de Envol Immobilier Sénégal : «Le temps de l’expertise africaine»


Jednak sprawdziłem profilo znanego nam z plan-demi António Guterresa i okazało się to chyba długo skrywaną prawdą, albo po prostu ten news jakoś przeszedł koło mnie…





This emanation of hexagrammers from under the sign of Saturn is increasing.

Let me just remind you of the facts of recent months.







One could go on for so long, but after all, that is not the point.

The crux is Jesus Christ. They have barely had their five minutes with Jesus' permission, but God is Lord of the World, not some fallen angel and his people,


The UN seems to be building representations of the Khazar-edomic beast system.



Their Saturn idol, Remfan marks his territory, just as dogs do.



All united in evil, and people still don't want to come out of the Roman church and pseudo-Protestantism because the church, the building, the organization is more important than God. Well that's too bad, but someday they will come out.


The Bible warned of a Luciferian UN organization:


The kings of the earth rise up, and the rulers confer together against the LORD and his anointed, saying:

Let us break their bonds and throw off their yoke.

But He who dwells in heaven laughs; the Lord mocks them. Psalm 2.


Satanists think they have everything under control, but just as the average person does not know that he has been under the Khazar boot since the 20th century, so Satanists do not know that our good God sees everything and watches over everything. He allows their misdeeds, their pride and their evil, but only so that people will understand the shackles they are in.

However, in summation, they will end up in the lake of fire. It's just too bad that anyone who isn't with Jesus will end up like Bill Gates, Tusk, Putin, or Zelenski or the pagan jutubers.



God wants to save every person, but not every person wants to be saved.

Wybór należy do Ciebie: czy będziesz w gorejącym jeziorze czy w niebie…..


Updated: 15 May 2022 — 14:15


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    Pamietam na poczatku ,,pandemii” widzialem migawke z obrad WHO. Na stole podczas nich posag Hinduskiego Shivy (niszczyciela swiata..) . Nic dodac nic ujac pomyslalem i juz wtedy moglem przewidziec,ze to wszystko bedzie wielka hucpa…

    1. “Pamietam na poczatku ,,pandemii” widzialem migawke z obrad WHO. Na stole podczas nich posag Hinduskiego Shivy (niszczyciela swiata..)” Też pamiętam.
      To, że większość ludzi tego nie widzi wynika z braku uświęcenia kościołów

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