Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

It's a nice thing to give something to someone.

I wanted to so spontaneously thank all those who appreciate what I do. Thank you to those who write to tell me that they are growing in their faith or realizing if there is this system because of my writings. I may have never even written about it that way. I just do something and you just write to me.

Thank you for being there. It feels good to know that you are needed by someone.

Writing to write is art for art's sake.

I may not be effusive at times, but I appreciate your emails and kind words.



I think, and this is probably no news, that unhappy is the man who cannot give something to someone. Jesus gave himself to us.

I write about things that can help you understand this world in the context of the Word.



I have several friends who build me up, support me spiritually. It is their gift of the Spirit, and for me it is a grace from God.


By ourselves, we are nothing. We only realize ourselves as people in our relationships with others.

Hence many suicidal people. They feel unnecessary, and all they need to do is start feeling for someone, not just themselves.


This world will one day cease to exist as we know it, but your love will not perish.

The body will perish, but love will not.

So let us gather treasures in heaven. These are indestructible.




A brother recently sent me this interesting video:


This cat gives love to its owners.

Soon we will be connected face to face with the source of love that is Jesus.



We give love to each other through the branches of the vine that is Jesus.

Glory to Jesus for His lion's share.





Updated: 11 May 2022 — 07:55


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  1. Thank you for your work, Glory to the Lord Jesus

  2. Peter. I live closer to Solec. I live by the Vistula River in Janiszow.
    For the meeting in Kielce I had hec, but.I am not mobile.
    But let's listen to Radio Koelce and I read you.
    Taking the opportunity that pocketknife chants have already rebuilt meIly greetings.
    2 years ago I was in the black. When it comes to faith.
    I had a grudge against God for my faults.
    Now I find myself in a better and better position because I have learned gratitude.
    I may not be the best,. The most beautiful but I can always go a few leagues higher (( This is from wild, I liked it very much

  3. And you hit a real nerve with this view.
    I had a similar thought myself
    We are. As if one organism with the whole. Humanity

    Everyone is a part of God, which means that at the same time you are not all brothers and sisters through whom God experiences.
    Sometimes it is in my nature to say a good word to make someone feel better

    If I don't even feel like it at the moment, or if it seems through sinful thinking to be pointless, I do it
    We live in the consciousness of others as well.
    We're like one organism

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