Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

China censors citizens posting videos of forced quarantine. The mob is afraid of the truth.

Videos of people being dragged from their homes by healthcare professionals in protective suits circulated on Chinese social media on Sunday.



The videos - which allegedly showed Covid-19-infected patients and their close contacts arguing with employees - emerged as Shanghai tightened some aspects of the intensive blockade despite a drop in new infections.

According to local residents and widely shared social media posts, people living in the same building where cases of the virus were confirmed were transported to government quarantine facilities.


Covid continues to extend blockade in China Estimated. 340 million people are locked up all over China living in at least 46 cities. While the weeks-long blockade of Shanghai extends with no end in sight, the capital Beijing closes schools and public transport.


Leaving aside the deliberate disruption of the supply chain from Shanghai, the biblical beast system shows by what they are doing to the Chinese that it is a simple mafia.

Only bandits can care that they are not filmed during their criminal activities. We are not talking about private films here, but films showing representatives of the authorities.


W necie krąży filmik, w którym to rozzłoszczeni chińscy obywatele zaatakowali biuro samorządu lokalnego w Szanghaju, gdzie znaleźli zapasy żywności, którą władze sprzedawały obywatelom po wyższej cenie…..

This is the mafia.

These thugs are afraid of movies like this.


In the video below, a Chinese man beats up an official in defense of his girlfriend, even though police officers are in the immediate vicinity.


There are also some very drastic and dramatic scenes like mothers taking away their children:

You can and do come across such videos on the internet where poor Chinese people are protesting.


The demons have sustenance from fear, screaming, violence.

This system is evil and only Jesus Christ can deliver us from it.

Let us pray for our country, for neighbors, for friends, for random people we meet, police officers, politicians. War is spiritual.


For we have no battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the world of darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness which is high. Ephesians





Updated: 9 May 2022 — 21:27

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