Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Only 6% adults in the UK identify themselves as "practising Christians".


Only 6% adults in the UK identify as practising Christians, while 42% say they are non-practicing Christians, and one in three non-Christians say they want to know more about Jesus Christ, according to the findings of a recent Talking Jesus survey.

As many as 70% people who identify as Christians are white Britishwho make up 83% of the UK adult population, the survey found, adding that 25% of those who identify as Christians are ethnic minorities, although they make up only 12% of the UK adult population. A survey of more than 3,000 British adults, commissioned by five Christian organizations, also found that 4% Britons identify as agnostics and 12% identify as atheists.

The study also found that A quarter of Britons describe Jesus as a "normal person", and 33% as a prophet or spiritual leader rather than God. However, although only 6% Britons identify themselves as Christians, the survey found that 45% people believe in the Resurrection of Jesus, and 20% believe that He is the Son of God.

source: christianpost.


6% of practicing Christians doesn't say that much. To say anything about this one would need to know the survey definition of what a practicing Christian is, because if everyone who goes to church is one, then biblical believers are not, and they are not few compared to small denominations.

Bible believers outside of churches themselves are also a complex group.

When some base their faith on conspiracies around the Bible and don't even go to baptism, read the Scriptures, or pray, others refuse to follow Jesus or transform their minds after His example.


Western Europe was deliberately mixed with Islamists to marginalize Christianity which Freemasonry has successfully done.



Add to this the fact that Anglicanism, Calvinism in partnership with Catholicism, reigns supreme in England to conclude that these 6% practitioners are mostly just practicing religiosity. If it were otherwise, England would be flooded by an awakening wave.


I used to describe as one of many examples what a terrible state the Anglican church is in.


Satan's fashion in the Anglican church with the star of Remfan a yak:


Satan's fashion parade at an Anglican church in London.


Not to mention the LGBT influence in the church


Transsexuals encouraged to become priests in Anglican Church diversity


To top it all off, 33% Brits consider Jesus just like Jehovah's Witnesses and people who do not recognize (marginally) Paul's letters as someone other than God, based on knowledge (gnosis) rather than faith.


I remember writing a few years ago that the saved would be under 2%. I don't know if I didn't exaggerate.

As for believers we are talking about a handful here.



Kto wie, czy na ten czas zbawionych, gdyby miało dojść do pochwycenia nie byłoby jedynie 144 tysiące……



Updated: 2 May 2022 — 21:17

1 Comment

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  1. I live here every day, and 6 percent seems like an exaggerated number.
    Usually it's hard to have a meaningful conversation with British people when it comes to matters of faith. Let alone find believers, not to mention truly practicing ones. There are of course exceptions to this rule, and fortunately I have met a few people trying to devote their lives to Jesus. All the more respect for those few...

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