Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

An example of apparent Christianity: Putin and his Satan II missile.


Either Khazarian agents or their victims believe in Putin's anti-systemism just as people close to paranoia believed in QANON.


Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "Satan-II" is capable of carrying 10 or more nuclear warheads and can strike targets in the US and Europe. The news comes as a Russian parliamentarian warned Boris Johnson that Britain was now Moscow's "prime target" given London's unrelenting military and political support for Kiev.


Personally, I don't believe that Putin, as a Klaus Schwab alum, will aim a missile at the Rothschild headquarters. Let's not be naive.

Wiadomo, to jest kwestia wiary, ale ma swoje przesłanki….



According to the Express-News bullets fromThe missiles will be deployed no later than autumn and will be placed in the same silos as the Soviet Voyevoda missiles that are to replace them. The head of Russia's space agency claimed that the "superweapon" was a historic development that will keep Russia's children and grandchildren safe for the next 30-40 years. Mr Rogozin boasted about the power and range of the Kremlin's latest addition to its nuclear arsenal.


Western military experts have said the Sarmat is capable of carrying 10 or more nuclear warheads and decoys - easily enough to destroy territories the size of Britain or France with a single strike.

Giving the name Satan to a missile that destroys large territories like France or the UK shows the faith of both the Western countries that gave it that name and the faith of Putin, who could kill thousands of people with that missile.



Ta, jak każda religia “chrześcijańska” jest czymś zupełnie przeciwstawnym Prawu Bożemu. Chrześcijaństwo nominalne to tylko zasłona dymna  do zwodzenia ludzi. Trochę biblii, trochę rytuałów, trochę “świąt”. Oto przepis na chrześcijańskie zwiedzenie.

Thank you, I got off that train to nowhere over 10 years ago.


The head of the Russian Orthodox Church wished the faithful on the occasion of Easter.

Podczas liturgii Cyryl nie poruszył tematu wojny na Ukrainie. W kazaniu powiedział m. in., że pierwszą rzeczą, jaką każdy chrześcijanin powinien wynieść z Wielkanocy, jest “absolutna pewność ostatecznego zwycięstwa prawdy”, ponieważ właśnie po to Zbawiciel cierpiał i zmartwychwstał. „Oznacza to, że wszyscy chrześcijanie są po stronie zwycięstwa, niezależnie od tego, jak trudne jest ich codzienne życie” – powiedział. “I niech Pan pomoże nam zachować to poczucie udziału w wielkim zwycięstwie naszego Zbawiciela nad grzechem, nad klątwą, nad śmiercią” – dodał.

Not a word about the war, but there was talk about the truth, as if only Khazarian Russia was right in this war. The fact that Ukrainians are killing their own and there are many fakes doesn't mean that Khazarian Russia is blameless, just because some years back Putin gave passports to Ukrainians.

Satan likes divisions. There are descendants of Slavs in Ukraine and Russia. Now the Khazars who came between these two nations are spoiling these relations by leading to murders. A Slav murders a Slav. An apparent Christian kills an apparent Christian, and yet, in theory, both countries and not only these but the whole world should turn against the Khazars, but this level of consciousness is a utopia reaching to the moon.

People are much more likely to believe pseudo-antisystematic Catholics such as Ziemkiewicz and Michalkiewicz than they are to believe reasonable Biblical Christians.


This world will fall, but before it falls let's save who we can by raising awareness if we can.



Updated: 26 April 2022 — 09:26

1 Comment

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  1. Pure Khazar. The hooked nose and the smirk. A tribe of vipers.

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