Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Uczniowie w amerykańskiej szkole będą mieli zajęcia “PORNO”, podczas których będą „oglądać razem filmy pornograficzne”.

A private liberal arts school in Utah will offer an entire pornography class in the 2022-2023 academic year, and students will "watch pornographic movies together" as part of the class.

According to Fox News , Westminster College will offer a class titled "Film 300O Porn" and states on its website that "hardcore pornography" is more popular than "soccer on Sunday night."



"Hardcore pornography is as American as apple pie and more popular than Sunday soccer. Our approach to this billion-dollar industry is both a cultural phenomenon that reflects and reinforces sexual inequality (but may challenge sexual and gender norms) and art formwhich requires serious contemplation". - reads the course description.




In this class, students will watch pornographic films and discuss the sexualization of race, class, and gender as described.


 "We will watch pornographic films together and discuss the sexualization of race, class and gender and as an experimental, radical art form," the description reads.



FOX 13 News contacted the college for a statement on the course. A spokesperson said that while the description and course may be disturbing to some, Westminster College believes the topic will help students better understand the impact of pornography.

"Westminster College occasionally offers such elective classes as an opportunity to analyze social issues," the statement read. "As part of this analysis, Westminster College and universities across the county frequently examine potentially offensive topics such as pornography to better understand their pervasiveness and impact.


Education is under Khazar control and therefore there must be progress in its demise. Youth by design are to be spoiled and families broken up.


The year is 2022, there are going to be porn classes in college. Let's think, what could it be in one, two, five years?

Practical lessons in onanism?


The only rescue is in the Word of God and fleeing from authority figures. Including from those in the church who only perpetuate the system of the beast.





Updated: 21 April 2022 — 19:54

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