Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The most important holiday for biblical believers. Passover or Easter?

I approached this text like a dog to a hedgehog.

For most Catholics, Easter is an occasion for bellyaching and drinking. Those experiencing Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection are marginal. Anyway, according to statistics, practicing Catholics are about 20%.

As a result, Catholicism itself is syncretistic with paganism.

The following text is a copy from an old blog text.



According to pagan sun-god-worshipping religions, Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, the sun god, and mother of Tammuz, the reborn sun god, was sent again by the sun god Nimrod after her death as a big-breasted fertility goddess Easter. It was sent on the first Sunday (sun day) after the spring solstice (Easter Sunday) as a large egg that landed in the Euphrates River.



Then the egg opened, and to show Easter's divinity, she transformed the bird into an egg-laying bunny (Easter bunny)


Easter priests to honor her fertility would impregnate young virgins on her altar, then sacrifice three-month-old infants (born of virgins) a year later on the same altar as the sun was rising on sunrise day (Easter Sunrise Service - literally sunrise service, in our country I think Passover Eve, used to be held on Sunday morning, now Saturday evening). They took an egg (fertility) and soaked it in the blood of sacrificed infants (i.e. Easter eggs - easter eggs). Later pagans would roast the boar that killed Tammuz and eat the ham (or leg) on Easter Sunday or Easter Sunday.

 We know that the Bible tells us in John 4:24 : "For the Father also seeketh such to praise him. God is a Spirit, and those who praise him should praise him in spirit and in truth."
The truth is that the forty days of Lent, eggs, rabbits, warm cross cakes and Easter ham have everything in common with the ancient pagan religion of Babylon. These are all activities of the Antichrist ! Satan is the master of deceivers, and has filled the lives of true good Christians with idolatry.


The bone of contention between Catholic paganism and the Word of God is not only the pagan (demonic) customs associated with the egg and the rabbit, but also the way in which the time is determined in which the Christian should celebrate the feast of the resurrection of Jesus.


At the beginning of the fourth century, Emperor Constantine standardized throughout the Empire the practice of celebrating the Resurrection on the Sunday after 14 Nisan. Today, according to the Gregorian calendar, the Catholic Church celebrates Easter on first Sunday after the spring full moon.

It was at the Council of Nicaea in the year 431 instituted by the Emperor of the Roman Empire, the same one who persecuted the first Christ-followers Passover was exchanged for what is known as Easter.

NEVER did the apostles or God Himself change the date of Passover or add eggs, bunnies and hares.

Similar tactics to Rome take place in Protestant denominations: teachings of Jesus mixed with unbiblical doctrines such as rejection of the Decalogue and the Law of God (not to be confused with Moses). Let me remind you that there were two tablets/decalogues: one written by God and one written by man:


"Pan rzekł do Mojżesza: «Wyciosaj sobie dwie tablice z kamienia podobne do pierwszych, a na tych tablicach wypisz znów słowa, jakie były na pierwszych tablicach, które potłukłeś.” Wyj 34



So when should Passover be celebrated?


14 of the month of Israel Abib.

Abib (Babylonian Nisan) corresponds in the Gregorian calendar to the second part of March and the first part of April.


Since we are now Israel Passover commemorates our salvation from slavery, reminds us of Israel's salvation from Egypt, and salvation from sins which Jesus Christ accomplished for us, so it is impossible to celebrate Passover properly in the form of Easter along with the church we came out of. Celebrating Easter in the Catholic style (Babylon) shows that you did not come out of Egypt. It shows that you believe in Jesus on your own terms.


For many, my blog is attractive, but after all, the messages it presents are publicly available, so the conclusion is simple: you come for my commentary, and it comes from sanctification, or separation from this world, not kneeling, going to church, or not smoking cigarettes.


The New Testament shows us to keep the Passover as a memorial, to remember who saved us from our bondage.


"14) This day will be a memorable day for you and you will celebrate it as a festival to honor the Lord. After all generations - forever on this day you shall celebrate. 
 Exodus 12:14


Did Jesus remove this obligation?


 (6) And we sailed from Philippi after the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and after five days we came to them at Troad, where we spent seven days. Acts 20


In 1 Corinthians 5: 7-8 on the last Passover that Jesus ate with His disciples, He instructed the disciples on how to celebrate the Passover in the NWY way:



And when the time came, He took His seat at the table and the apostles with Him. (15) And he said to them: I have longed to eat with you this very passoverbefore they suffer. (16) For I say unto you, I will eat it no more, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. (17) And when he had taken the cup and was giving thanks, he said: Take this and divide it among yourselves. (18) For I say unto you, Henceforth I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God come. (19) Taking bread, he said a prayer of thanksgiving, broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which will be given up for you. Do this in remembrance of me! . 

Likewise the cup after supper, saying, This cup, this New Covenant in my blood shed for you. 

What are we to do in commemoration of Jesus' death? Celebrate Passover the same way He celebrated. No eggs, no rabbits, and not in the first Sunday after the spring full moon.


The New Covenant not in place of but during the Passover.


(26) And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, and having said the blessing, broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take and eat; this is my body. (27) Then he took the cup, and having given thanks, gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it, (28) for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.


One cup and not FOUR Seder cups.


"Move out (hoceti) you from the burden of work in Egypt and
I'll save (hicalti) you out of bondage.
Deliver (gaalti) you showing great power and great judgments.
I'll take (lakachti) you to Myself as a nation, I will be a God to you."


Why is there already one? Because all those toasts pointed to Jesus. He was the God incarnate who rescued us from slavery and made us a chosen, priestly family.


This is where another problem arises. The devil does not sleep.

Some people go back to the old covenant and want to follow all the instructions according to the old rules including those Seder cups and looking for leaven in the house which is an absolute mistake.

The leaven now is our sins, our weaknesses, our evil inclinations, and so according to this understanding we should make a list of those sins (the acid), what caused and causes the crucifixion of Jesus, rather than looking for flour,


The Apostle Paul mentions this in 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, where he writes:


(7) So throw away the old acidThat you may become new dough, because you are unleavened. For Christ was sacrificed as our Passover. (8) Tak przeto odprawiajmy święto nasze, nie przy użyciu starego kwasu, kwasu złości i przewrotności, lecz – przaśnego chleba czystości i prawdy. (9) I wrote to you in my letter not to commune with debauchees. (10) It is not about the debauchees of this world in general, nor about the covetous and the robbers or the idolaters; for you would have to leave completely 


We are to get rid of all mischief, not products that have acid, fermented products.

Focusing on products rather than our weaknesses causes us to become religious or religiously deeded rather than changing to be better believers.


Can non-Covenant people celebrate Passover in our homes?

"And if a stranger dwells with you and wishes to celebrate the Passover for the Lord, let him do so according to the regulations and laws concerning the Passover; equal is the regulation for you, both for the stranger and for the native." (4 Genesis 9:14)
How do I see it?
The unsaved may attend the Passover supper as guests, but not as participants in the covenant. Note that Jesus celebrated the last supper with the 12 apostles, not with a random group of hearers , and Paul corrected these rules:
(23) For I have taken over from the Lord what I passed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night on which He was delivered took bread, (24) And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said: Take, eat; this is my body given up for you; do this in remembrance of me. (25) Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood: do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me. (26) For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. (27) Therefore, whoever eats the bread and drinks from the cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. (28) Let a man therefore experience himself, and so let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup. (29) For whoever eats and drinks unworthily, not distinguishing the body of the Lord, self judgment eats and drinks. (30) For this reason there are many sick and weak among you, and not a few have fallen asleep. (31) For if we judged ourselves, we would not be subject to judgment. (32) And when we are judged by the Lord, it means that He is raising us up so that we, along with the world, will not be condemned. (33) And so, my brothers, when you come together to eat, wait for one another. (34) If anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, so that you will not come to the court. As for the rest, I will make an order when I come.
Admittedly, Paul does not regulate here the observance of Passover by those not in the Covenant (baptized), but he does impose certain standards by emphasizing the importance of the COVENANT.
The Corinthians came to eat and drink like Catholics today at Easter.
The Last Supper memento is a symbolic cup of wine (non-alcoholic in my opinion) and a piece of bread.


Jesus died for us, symbolized by the wine (blood) and bread (body).

How do we celebrate Passover other than looking for the acid in ourselves?

Every Bible-believing Christian should read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, symbolically drink wine from one cup and share bread with fellow believers, thank God for the gift of salvation and all grace. We should also spend these days meditating on the power of the cross of Jesus Christ and reading the Word.

It should not be a time dominated by TELEVISION, junk food, and a semblance of faith coming from rituals.

Let's not do another Sol Invictus and Dionysia.

God wants relationships and those relationships are built through contact with His Word.

God wants separation for Him.

What glory to Jesus does overeating bring, and what distance during the year from the speech of God which is the Word?



 (3) Because living by means of the carnal nature, we do not fight according to the personality based on the carnal nature; (4) (because the weapon of our military service is not carnal but a strong God to destroy strongholds), (5) tearing down calculations and every exaltation of pride against the knowledge of God, and taking captive every thought into obedience to Christ. (6) Having also in readiness the punishment of every disobedience, until your obedience is accomplished. 2 Corinthians 10



Military service According to Paul, the calling to which we have been called is to destroy the thoughts and all haughtiness that rise up against the knowledge of God, and enslaving every thought to obedience to Christ.



Behold, exposing the customs of Easter worship and demonstrating how to celebrate properly is precisely the struggle to know God.

So, during the year, are you trying to be submissive to Jesus, submissive to His Word?

May this time be a time of quiet and reflection on how much our King Jesus Christ has done for us.


Have a successful Passover in Jesus Christ.




Updated: 16 April 2022 — 19:46


Add a Comment
  1. Thank you for explaining how to celebrate Passover I was looking for such a message Praise the Lord Jesus

  2. Thank you for this text, and for your work that you do for our God and for us.

    Be Blessed Peter, all good things to you and your family in the name of Jesus Christ.

    1. Praise be to God, Damian, for it is He who enables us to do all good.
      All Good in Jesus' name to you.

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