Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

He is, He is watching. Don't touch the oil and wine.

Hearing this hopeless information on a daily basis, one might think that God is not on earth for now, that He is yet to come with His wrath, but the truth is different.

I'm writing this because that's how I realized it all today during prayer.

We get up in the morning, everyone goes to their jobs, family, shopping, home, chores, and this monstrous information.

One would like to say NO FUTURE.

I suppose I could have titled this text "God's Presence", but I don't think that's what I want to write.


My oldest friends in the faith, know that my favorite Psalm is Psalm 1.


Happy the man who has not followed the advice of the wicked, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the circle of scoffers. (2) But he has pleasure in the Law of God and meditates on His doctrine day and night. (3) So he will be like a tree planted by the streams of waters that bears fruit in its time, whose leaf does not wither, and he will succeed in all that he does.


Yes, I have a fondness for the Law of the Lord. Christians who hate the Law of God probably think that David, in writing about the Law of God, glorified the sacrificial system and circumcision. What a non-sense. Well, but the blind guides of the blind do not understand that David glorified to himself a law that we would call the moral law even though it has no such name.

Why did I quote Psalm 1?

Well, because a converted person thinks day and night how to realize this law of love. How not to hurt the other person and how to please God. Is this not God's presence?

Reflecting on where? In the flesh? Not in the Spirit, which is good,, you associate quotes, and so you have the Word in your mind (soul).


Later in the evening you usually pray to God thanking Him for everything and confiding in Him. You ask for grace for yourself and others. So again you feel that God is near you.


The question is is God still around us during the day? Will He take care of us during the Tribulation if there is no rapture?


"(23) Are they the servants of Christ? (I say, going out of my mind.) And is not I more so; more abundantly in hardships, above measure in floggings, far more in prisons, often in capital punishments. (24) From the Jews I took forty lashes five times in addition to one. (25) Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I survived shipwreck at sea, day and night I survived in the depths of the sea. (26) Many times in wanderings, dangers of rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from his own tribe, dangers from the heathen, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers at sea, dangers among false brethren; (27) in toil and weariness, often in vigil, in hunger and thirst, often in fasting, in cold and nakedness. (28) Except for separately rising up against me every day and taking care of all the churches. (29) Someone is weak, and am I not weak? Someone is embittered, and am I not embittered? (30) If it is necessary to boast, I will boast of my weakness." 1 Corinthians 



Paul has been afflicted many times and has been pulled out of it many times.

On the other hand, we still do not know what the promise in the book of Revelation is:



(6) And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God to feed her there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
(Revelation 12:6)"

What about David hiding from the enraged Saul? Did he have shelter? Did God take care of him?

We know that it does.


The desert in the ST symbolizes punishment for waywardness, but in Revelation it is already a refuge from.... the dragon.

That doesn't mean the attacks won't happen, but God will be with us all the time.

In Revelation chapter 12, he promises a miraculous supply of food through One thousand two hundred and sixty days.


Does that tell you something?



And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four figures saying, A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius; and do not touch oil and wine.

(Revelation 6:6)"
In ancient Israel, oiling someone's head with oil was a sign of favor to that person (Psalm 23:5).
So the words about famine on earth will not apply to the elect.
You can make provisions for this time, but when it all begins in earnest the ONLY thing left is to trust God.
Elijah was no different:
(4) And he himself went into the wilderness a day's journey; and when he came there, he sat down under a juniper bush, and wished himself dead, saying, Enough now, O Lord, take my life; for I am no better than my fathers. (5) Then he lay down and fell asleep under a juniper bush. But behold, an angel touched him and said to him: Arise, eat! (6) And when he looked, behold, there was a cake baked and a pitcher of water by his head. So he ate and lay down again. (7) But the angel came a second time, touched him, and said: Arise, eat, for you have a long way to go. (8) So he arose and having eaten, he walked in the strength of that meal forty days and forty nights as far as the mountain of God's Choreb. "
Elijah fleeing from Jezebel into the desert was miraculously fed.
This is why Jesus said:
"Look at the birds of heaven, that they neither sow nor reap nor gather into the gums, and your heavenly Father feeds them; are you not far nobler than they?"


Are you worried?

Let the satanists worry because Jesus is coming. Their laughter will soon die out.


God is with us all the time. We just need to trust Him and be warm and not lukewarm.

None of my friends in Christ have fear. We trust God as children trust their father and mother.


Praise Jesus.





Updated: 6 April 2022 — 20:39


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  1. (6) And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God to feed her there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
    (Revelation 12:6)"

    This passage may have a double meaning, some say the woman is the Christians persecuted by the Vatican who will flee to the farthest corners of the earth and be persecuted for 1260 years. There are those who have already calculated that this period of persecution of true Christians is slowly coming to an end.

  2. “I uciekła niewiasta na pustynię, gdzie ma miejsce przygotowane przez Boga, aby ją tam żywiono przez tysiąc dwieście sześćdziesiąt dni.” Powiem jak rozumiem te słowa, niewiasta jest symbolem kościoła czyli ludzie wierzących w Pana Jezusa wcielone Słowo Boże , oliwa jest symbolem Ducha a wino krwi Jezusa Chrystusa, w znaczeniu tych symboli i końca czasu którego tyczy się to Słowo, rozumiem to że wierzący czyli kościół którzy rozsiani są na świecie pójdą fizycznie w jedno konkretne miejsce odludne albo ogólnie ludzie wierzący na całym świecie pójdą ogólnie na pustynie czy na całym świecie w miejsca odludne( las, góry, pustynia) i tam Bóg będzie żywił swój kościół. ” Jednak oni zwyciężyli go przez krew Baranka i przez słowo swojego świadectwa. Nie pokochali też swego życia na tyle, by cofnąć się w obliczu śmierci”

    1. Well written, Brother, that may be

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