Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Media-silenced World Government Summit 2022.


We live in two alternate universes: the false, media world and the real world where the events of the end times are being realized just prior to the coming of the antichrist and right after him Jesus Christ the Deliverer from world government. A savior for those who have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus and become obedient to the Word of God.


 And he said thus: The fourth beast means the fourth kingdom on earth, which will be different from all the kingdoms, and will devour the whole earth and trample and crush it. (24) And the ten horns mean that ten kings will arise from this kingdom, and another will arise after them that will be different from the first and will humiliate the three kings; (25) He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall destroy the saints of the Most High; he shall intend to change times and laws, for they shall be delivered into his hands until the time, times, and half of the time



From the organization's side:


“Od swojego powstania w 2013 roku The summit championed a mission to shape future governments i tworzenia lepszej przyszłości dla ludzkości. Ostatnie 7 edycji Szczytu z powodzeniem ustanowiło nowy model współpracy na międzynarodowym polu gry, aby inspirować i umożliwiać nowe pokolenie rządów.”

Summit will bring together thought leaders, global experts and decision makers from around the world, to share and contribute to the development of tools, policies, and models that are essential in shaping future governments.


As you can see, the New World Order considered to be a conspiracy invented by the shurikens has been around for a long time. Anyway, this is not my first post about it.

They have their experts as we saw during PLANdemi. They are evil people who do not want good for others at all. They are all working for Lucifer and I am surprised that the neo-Slavs do not see this. I don't know who will save these neo-Slavs? Swiatowit? Or maybe Perun or Swaróg?



Therefore, I keep in mind that they are either deceived or they are agents.

This beer is from Nergal's (demon name) brewery.

Co rusz powstają nowe kanały “prawdy” albo katolickie, albo słowiańskie i NIKT nie mówi że jedyny ratunek jest w Jezusie.


Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, during the session "Our world today: why governments must act now"


Islam plays a leading role in this organization.

But Schwab is of obvious origin.



So do most of them. Through the war they have created, they want to bring about the Great Reset and the collapse of the existing economy in order to reduce humanity to an almost no-win situation: either starvation or the mark of the beast with a guaranteed income dependent on obedience (social credit).

It has to happen and no one will stop it, no Slavs or anonymus or proponents of vibrations and auras.

Mankind has drifted away from God, and therefore trepidation will come upon them.

The Khazars, the Edomites, the Canaanites, the Ishmaelites are united in one world government against God Most High:



 (5) For they have spoken in unison, against you they have made a covenant: (6) The tents of the Edomites and Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagarites; (7) Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre. (8) Assur also joined them, supported Lot's sons with his arm. Sela. (9) Make them like the Midianites, like Sisera, like Jabin by the brook Kishon; (10) Who were exterminated at Endor, they became like dung to the earth. (11) Deal with their dignitaries as with Oreb and Zeeb, as with Zebach and Salmunna, with all their princes; (12) Who said, Let us take possession of the tabernacles of God. (13) My God, make them like a wheel and like a blade in the wind. (14) Like the fire that burns the forest, and like the flame that scorches the mountains; (15) So thou pursuest them with thy tempest, and with thy storm thou shalt deaden them. (16) Cover their faces with shame, that they may seek your name, LORD! (17) Let them be ashamed and fearful for ever, let them cover themselves with shame and perish. (18) Let them know that you alone, whose name is LORD, you are the Most High above all the earth.


I quoted this Psalm the other day when discussing the United Nations. This Psalm is a prophecy at the UN.

Sodomites, pedophiles, Christianity rejecting God's Law, new age, unite against God.

It doesn't matter who will lead or Judaism or Islam. All are one as I have proven biblically and politically as above.


Are you prepared for what is coming?





Updated: 31 March 2022 — 08:04


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  1. Do tego światowego resetu tak naprawdę wcale nie trzeba wojny światowej, wystarczy taka mała wojna na Ukrainie. Wojna, która przyczyni się do zerwania łańcucha połączeń w światowej gospodarce (już teraz mówi się o możliwym głodzie wynikającym z zakazu eksportu zboża prze Ukrainę – nas to tak bardzo nie dotknie, u nas wszystko po prostu stanie się cholernie drogie). Tak może być w całej Europie i dopiero wtedy zacznie się dyskusja nad resetem, prawdziwym Lucyferiańskim NWO, dochodem gwarantowanym i znamieniem bestii itd…

    Kto wie, czy ten antychryst nie będzie właśnie takim światowym wybawicielem z globalnego kryzysu. Takim wykreowanym geniuszem ekonomii…

    Tak czy inaczej data 2025. Jak pisała Alice Bailey to jest kluczowa data w planach lucyferian. Do tego roku społeczeństwa mają zostać tak urobione i tak nagięte, że bez sprzeciwu przyjmą otwartą doktrynę lucyferiańską…

    1. Oh and is that you Cupak? An earlier reader of mine who wrote a lampoon of me on his site?

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