Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

In 20 years, people will be able to go from their bodies to METAVERS.


As the hunt for Russian oligarchs continues, one Dmitry Itkov claims that with new artificial intelligence and metaverse technologies. that one day humans will be able to live forever and overcome the limitations of the human body.


His Initiative 2045 argues that artificial bodies will emerge by 2045 that will allow people to transfer from old bodies to new ones using the Internet. The media mogul said the 2045 Initiative aims to enable people to make their own decisions to extend their lives and live in a new body after their biological body is depleted.



As reported by the Daily Mirror , the concept is called mind-uploading, which creates digital copies of human minds that can live freely in cyberspace, unconstrained by their biology. Elon Musk's Neuralink and other similar companies are exploring metaverse technologies that could form the basis of future whole-brain uploading.


Musk plans to commercialize a humanoid robot called Optimus (like Optimus Prime from Transformers) next year that can take on the personality traits of its owner and behave like them. In addition, self-proclaimed futurist Tom Cheesewright has said that artificial intelligence and metaverse technologies may one day allow humans to bring their consciousness to bear. Although it may take some time, Cheesewright said it is eventually possible.


My opinion.

God will not allow this to happen, and while they may actually be quite close in theory, the whole plan will backfire.


“Będziecie jak Bóg”


It is when one reads such information among people who have yet imperfectly come to know God that fear arises.

Quite unnecessarily, for this world will not exist as long as they think it will. These plans to prolong their lives prove that satanists are not very smart people. They want to trick God. This is ridiculous.



12 Against the righteous the wicked plot evil
and gnashes her teeth at him.
13 The Lord laughs at him7,
For he sees that his day is coming. Psalm 37


People looking for conspiracies but not God are catching their heads, promoting sensationalism.

I might still quote a verse from Job that was used in the movie The Leonard Code:


So far you get therebut no further! 


Praise Jesus.





Updated: 1 April 2022 — 06:34


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  1. Peter. My brain is too small to comprehend this. To me, it is physically impossible. I'm not laughing at what you write, I'm laughing at myself. They're gonna rip out my brain and plug it into an artificial body? This is impossible, but on the other hand, as you write and there is such a technology, anything is possible. I don't want to take part in it, but at this point I don't know how I would feel about it, right now it's inconceivable to me.

    1. I wrote just the opposite, that God will not allow them to do so.
      Ale to co może być realne to “zgranie” duszy, czyli pamięci, umysłu….
      Skoro można zgrać jak na pendrivea….

  2. Our Father created His Creation in such a way that He set unambiguous and unchanging boundaries that none of His Creations will ever be able to cross. All these inventions in the movies, in the media about transferring a "man" to a machine, about losing the memory, etc., are all lies, deceptions for the masses, which are not meant to be used. It's all a lie, a deception for the masses who have been taught to want to live forever, without pain and suffering in their Luciferian world, such a utopia not only in the pursuit of it, but the very alternative of a perverted paradise. People have no idea how the brain works. All that is "known" is mere conjecture or circumstantial evidence. A percentage, knowledge "more or less" is confirmed, all the rest, unknown and never to be known, because it is to remain hidden to them. Who we really are, what we know, is in our heart and spirit, not in the brain, which is the work of our God, but this organ has the task to "control" the processes of our body, not consciousness, soul or heart. Yes, if it breaks down, it can affect our actions, because in the end, while we are here on this earth, the body without the spirit cannot live. Human technology is as imperfect as man himself. Flawed, prone to error, and in many cases, works with the intended purpose, but how? If they announce to the world that they have done it, it will be exactly the same as with the holy figurines that move, talk, cry, etc., either it will be another element of deception or the devil or his henchman will help them do it because in the course of time, and demons, evil spirits more and more boldly, will spread on the land that belongs to them (or they will be the famous "aliens").

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