Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

World War Three is likely to break out in a few weeks.

I don't even want to prove something to someone and write about war news.


There are too many of them, and while I know I could be wrong in this case unlike the outbreak of war in Ukraine, I'm still betting on 80% that a world war will break out and a big part of it will be the PIS people and the Polish parliament.


Wolę nagrać film pt. “Co robić” niż tupać w miejscu z tym samym.

In my estimation, the outbreak of World War 3 could happen even by mid-May.


The Poles supported this pro-Ukrainian theater, so they will thank themselves in due time.


I think we are entering a very different chapter of the end times.

The apogee of evil is coming, followed immediately by Jesus Christ, who will destroy the antichrist with the breath of his mouth.


Updated: 30 March 2022 — 20:50


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  1. I don't know Peter if we should succumb to the narrative regarding the Third W as far as this current conflict is concerned. I think that what we are seeing now is simply laying the groundwork for the antichrist.

    Pike wrote .
    "The Third World War must begin with the preponderance of the differences caused by the Illuminati agents between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. This war must be waged in such a way that Islam (the Islamic Arab World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) destroy each other.

    I do not currently see the power of Islam, although some steps have already been made by the U.S. to give the green light, such as the mass of equipment left in Afghanistan.

    In my opinion if the antichrist is to make a 7 year covenant with Israel and break it in the middle, then if 2022 was the beginning of the revealing of the son of perdition, plus 3.5 years it would be the second half of 2025 or 2026 and I think that then we can talk about the beginning of the Third W and the culmination will probably be the gathering of Islamists and allies of the antichrist for a battle with Jesus who will sweep them away with the breath of his mouth.

    That's how I see it maybe I'm wrong , but I'm not feeling this III right now .

    1. I am not insisting, I wrote that I am betting in light of current information.
      By the way, let me remind you what covered the so-called Spanish woman 100 years ago

  2. No. It's not going to explode that quickly. Not to its potential at the moment. The world is ruled by psychopaths but these psychopaths love power and are well aware that their lives will end somewhere hidden in bunkers (history likes to repeat itself). The identical narrative was in the case of Syria, for example. Syria and Ukraine are proxy wars, a conflict of interests for the superpowers.

    The real problem will only arise when we reactivate the nuclear program and it will be reactivated, that's what nuclear power plants will be built for.

    Second problem which will appear in few years time is similar annexation of Taiwan by China and there also will be fought proxy war but on even bigger scale. The current winner in this conflict is only China (Russia lost this war) and China observing what is happening in Russia (among others the influence of sanctions) will prepare itself well for this and only in this I see the potential of a world war.

    As for turning off the gas tap. Of course they can do that but it's a double-edged defense and they also realize that.

    1. ” W “Foregin Affairs” ukazał się niezwykle ważny artykuł Richarda Hassa mówiący wprost, że idea NWO w wydaniu Busha, Rockefellera, Brzezińskiego oraz Kissingera nie sprawdziła się, nie została ukoronowana i teraz całkowicie upada. Próba podtrzymywania przy życiu tego tworu zakończy się III wojną”

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