Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Protestantism is Christian Khazarian Zionism.

With the establishment of the United Nations, the foundation of the Khazarian world government, and Poland's defeat of Bolshevik Russia, Khazarian Protestantism was born.

Wikipedia itself states that Christian Zionism became stronger after the creation of Israel (false).



The introduction of PLANdemi around the world would not have been possible had it not been for Protestantism. No denomination protested, and people searched for truth on blogs, Rumble, or Khazarian deleted YT videos.


Interestingly, in the same link about Christian Zionism, we learn that prominent figures of the 20th century wanted to establish a state that controls the entire world through the military might of the U.S. and the Khazaramaerite media.



 Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, the return of Jews to the Holy Land was supported by such figures as Lord Shaftesbury [Donald M. Lewis, "Lord Shaftesbury and the origins of Christian Zionism," 2010], Britain's Queen Victoria[34][35], Edward VII, second U.S. President John Adams[36][37], Czechoslovakian President Tomáš Masaryk[38], South African General John Smuts[39], British Prime Minister Lloyd George[40] and Arthur Balfour[41], US President Woodrow Wilson[42][43], Italian philosopher and historian Benedetto Croce, Red Cross founder Henry Dunant[44] [43a: Philip Earl Steele, "Henry Dunant: Christian Activist, Humanitarian Visionary, and Zionist," Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs



Proof that Protestantism is Zionist is Paul Chojecki once a Corvinist:


In the photo above, Chojecki is with Jonathan Falwell.


Falwell is board member Christians United for Israel.

What is the organization Christians United for Israel?


Christians United for Israel ( CUFI ) is an American Christian organization that supports Israel . They state that their goal is "to provide a national association through which every pro-Israel church, para-church organization , ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel on biblical issues ". It is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States with 4.1 million members!!!



O “chrześcijańskim” syjonizmie chazarskim nie dowiecie się od ŻADNEGO  pastora. Nie znajdziecie takiego. Prędzej znajdziecie lekarza antykowidianina niż pastora antysyjonistę.


In my many years of blogging I have seen in truth many pastors in yarmulkes, some in meetings with rabbis.

On the one below is a pastor from Krotoszyn:



I remind you that in Abu Dhabi they are building a Temple of Peace of three religions:



Isalmu, “chrześcijaństwa” i judaizmu, gdyż te wszystkie religie są opanowane przez fałszywych Judejczyków.



Quite a few Khazarian Zionists are also in anti-ecumenical groups and I could prove this as well.


This PLANdemia would not have succeeded if not for the agreement of all religions. It would have been enough for one denomination, one daughter of Rome to warn its members by writing and saying what I say. But there wasn't a single such religion or denomination because they all top-down participated and that's why some people died either from poor medical care or from being stabbed. That way of looking at it, religion kills figuratively and literally.


While some, a handful of pastors warned of the pandemic, nwo lies, they are now participating in another global lie which is Russia's invasion of Ukraine which is a setup with a purpose:


  1. Resettlement of Ukrainians.
  2. The economic crisis is brewing
  3. Leading to hunger.
  4. Clearing the land of Ukrainians for the Khazars of Israel.


It is a masterstroke that we are living in a time just before the Great Tribulation and some believe during and none of the pastors know who the biblical beast system is. They only know who the harlot is because Protestantism was created to divert attention from Israel and Zionism and focus on Rome. They can talk for hours about the inconsistencies of Catholicism's teachings, but not about how the state of Israel was created in 1948 and how the Palestinians were resettled.

Pastors don't talk about Zionism, but they do about Catholicism.

You have to watch Slavic or Catholic channels to learn about the Khazars.


Only an unsanctified (unseparated) person can belong to evangelical churches. Abstinent and cultured people are among the atheists. Sanctification also manifests itself in separation from Satan's world and religions are one of its elements.

When I look at how nominal Christians thoughtlessly put up Ukrainian flags and how they worship Zelenski, I'm sure not 90% but 100% that when the antichrist comes they won't even know who he is, let alone that they will love him drunk with the wine of Babylon (ecumenes).


The ancient true Israelites did not have to be nice to Satan's system. Ba, they even had to murder them sometimes.

They had one duty, however: They had to be separate from the Gentile world.

Today false love teaches unification. That is what ecumenism is.

That's why lately I've been urging people who watch the pastor from Bielsko and his buddy from Ireland to stop watching me, because we stand on opposite sides of what's going on in the world.

Learn to be consistent, separate from what you think is wrong. If I do not have love and concern for God's people then run away from me immediately. If the pastors do not warn you about Khazaria then run from them.



Khazarian-Zionist manipulation:



First, biblical prophecies about the gathering of Israel to the Promised Land were completely fulfilled in the return of the Israelites to the Promised Land after the Babylonian captivity. To understand the re-gathering, one must properly date the dispersion of Israel. The northern kingdom of Israel/Ephraim was dispersed by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. and later to the southern kingdom of Judah was dispersed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. In this case the re-gathering prophesied was that which took place after the Babylonian captivity , under Cyrus the Persian after 538 B.C. The exiles returned to the Land (in small numbers) and formed a small community around Jerusalem, led by men such as Nehemiah and Ezra. These prophecies of the re-gathering can be seen in oracles such as Ezekiel 37:15f, indicating that after the re-gathering the pre-exile hostility between the northern and southern kingdoms will be overcome "and they will no longer be two nations and no longer be divided into two kingdoms" (w. 22). He obviously dates this prophetic fulfillment to the time immediately following the Babylonian captivity, and not for the time after 1948, because before 1948 there was no distinction between the "two kingdoms" of Israel and Judah.


Second, our Lord's prophecies of the post-exile further dispersion of Israel by the Romans in 70 A.D. made no such mention of the subsequent, God-ordered re-gathering. In Matthew 24 He says that these days will be days of tribulation such as have never been before (v.21). In Luke 21 we have a clearer version of the same prophecies (clearer for Gentile readers who are unfamiliar with such Jewish terms as "abomination of desolation standing in the holy place"; Matt. 24:15). In this version Christ states: "Great anguish shall be upon the land, and wrath upon this people, and they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be carried away captive among all nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the heathen were fulfilled(w. 23-24). Every Jew knew that the "times of the Gentiles" were the times when the Gentiles ruled the earth and that this would end when the Messiah established his kingdom over all and ended Gentile domination. Then Jerusalem would be free from threat and all Gentiles would recognize its sovereignty. In other words, Jesus was saying that Jerusalem will be trampled until the Second Coming and the end of the worldThe Book of Revelation refers to the "times of the Gentiles" by the term "kingdom of the world" (Rev 11:15). The apostles initially hoped that the times of the Gentiles would soon be over and Jerusalem would arise to rule the world (Acts 1:6). They were told to leave such things to God and preach the gospel. This refers to the prophecies concerning the devastation of the Jewish state in 70 AD

So the times of the Gentiles in Jerusalem are the present times where the Khazars the godless people along with Islam are trampling this land dishonoring it.

If anyone is entitled to this land it is only the Saints of Jesus separated from the system of the beast and sin believers.


Third, all the Old Testament prophecies of Israel's blessing and restoration after the exile find their fulfillment in Christ and His Church. If you doubt it, try this simple experiment: go through the New Testament and find all the quotations from the Old Testament and note how the New Testament interprets the Old. You will find that the New Testament writers apply to Christ and His church the prophecies in which God promises to bless Israel in every single case. It's not that the church replaced Israel. It's simpler: the church is ...Israel.

This was undermined and even mocked the fact that the ecclesia is Israel by a certain pastor Cyrikas (wolf ) in his film about me and M. Mazur , which has already deleted.


In Romans 11:1-12 Paul points out that in times of Old Testament deviation, such as in the days of Elijah, when the majority of Israel worshipped the Baals, true Israel consisted of a small remnant that remained faithful to God. Paul says that it is the same now in his day with Christ: now that the majority of Israel has departed from Christ and rejected him, true Israel consists of a small remnant that remains faithful to God and Christ. This is why Paul refers to the church as "the community of Israel" in Ephesians 2:12 and as "the Israel of God" in Galatians 6:16. The Jews who rejected Christ were not true Israel, nor were the Baal worshippers. God's promises to bless His people Israel were fulfilled in blessing Christians, whether they were Jews or Gentiles.


Attending ecumenical churches, and those that are silent on Khazarian issues and Zionism is a new form of Baal worship. One foot by Yahweh and the other by Baal.

Protestantism is simply moving from pew to pew and what I can offer others are home groups, but only those that reject Israel's chosenness and pro-Ukrainian rhetoric.



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Updated: 28 March 2022 — 08:30

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