Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Veronica Marczuk: "Ukrainians are also likely to co-create the elite of this country and co-create this state,"

The problem is that she said those words back in December 2021.



” Przy okazji premiery swojej nowej książki Weronika Marczuk mówi WP: – Ukraińcy prawdopodobnie będą również współtworzyć elitę tego kraju i współtworzyć to państwo, bo to jest statystyka. Trzeba będzie ich dopuścić do ważnych polskich spraw – do polityki i kultury, do Sejmu, do kierowniczych stanowisk. Oni też staną się już pełnoprawnymi członkami tego społeczeństwa.”


You don't have to be an outstanding publicist to predict what I wrote about 2 weeks ago, that Ukraine will have its minority in the parliament.

They will still allow the Poles to get carried away in their mindless enthusiasm of false feelings, but in six months' time there will probably be a pro-Ukrainian party that wants to have a minority in the Sejm and influence the fate of the Poles, and the proper state of THREE NATIONS (Poles, Khazars and Ukrainians), but the Poles do not have their representatives in the Sejm.


It is comforting, however, that Polish converts have their representatives in the Kingdom of Heaven.







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