Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Russian state television: World War III may be "soon unleashed" and will be "nuclear".


Vladimir Putin's tightly controlled state television broadcast a warning that there could be a "direct clash" between Russia and the West - and nuclear weapons would have to be used "whether we like it or not."

Russian propaganda claims that Vladimir Putin will unleash his nuclear weapons early if NATO peacekeepers stand their ground in Ukraine - which would trigger a world war 3 .

The latest threats from the Kremlin came as footage showed the funeral with full military honors of Black Sea Fleet deputy commander Andrei Paliy, 51, killed during fighting in Mariupol on March 20.

The broadcast featured blunt and coordinated warnings from Putin's propaganda mouthpieces on state television, concerned that if NATO sends peacekeepers into Ukraine, they will initiate World War III.*


Just as I invariably said that war would break out in Ukraine, I now though admittedly with less conviction believe that WW3 will happen and I probably know the month of its outbreak from several independent sources.

Maybe I'll make a video about it.


Let me repeat myself: war is due to the world for moving away from God.

During the plandemi which was a shock to the world a handful converted. Now there is a war in Ukraine and people are still mean to each other, cruel and there is a small percentage coming to God, so God will probably allow the nightmare of WW3 to happen and even if it does happen, there will be few who will kneel to humble themselves before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Generally we humans have terribly hardened hearts, but these days exceptionally so.

There will be more and more evil until the time of the antichrist comes, who will completely drive God's Law out of society and persecute Christians not only with pagans, but Christians, Catholics and Protestants under the influence of Khazarian Zionism.


For God's devoted people this is not a bad omen, it is the time of the coming of Jesus who will end all evil on earth and Satan will be imprisoned for 1000 years.


Updated: 24 March 2022 — 20:29


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  1. Peter, are you planning to organize any meeting where you can get baptized soon?

    1. Yeah, maybe in about 2 weeks

      1. Where? I'd love to meet my sisters and brothers.

  2. There will be no global war using nukes because the world powers long ago came to an agreement on this issue. There is such a thing as the McNamara Doctrine, which assumes that each superpower has its own interests. One day, a conflict of interests may arise, and in order to avoid a global nuclear war, the superpowers will fight so-called proxy wars using conventional means (tanks, planes, etc., or, locally, chemical weapons).

    To co teraz dzieje się na Ukrainie to konflikt interesów między nato a Putinem, któremu marzy się Rosja w wydaniu Piotra I. Jest to klasyczny konflikt wg. doktryny McNamary. Wcześniejsze, podobne konflikty to choćby Irak, Syria, Afganistan…

  3. Secondly, the human factor also comes into play. A soldier can refuse to obey an order to fire rockets which has already happened in the history of this world.

    Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov, a man who p/similarly saved the world by maintaining sober thinking and cold blood.

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