Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Biden said things are changing and there will be a "New World Order" and we need to "lead it"

As recently as 5 years ago, and perhaps even just before PLANdia, the theory of the New World Order as a conspiracy of all governments against the people to create a single communist one was relegated to the category of conspiracies for the mentally ill. Today, after many world figures who introduce medical totalitarianism or wartime social engineering no one is under any illusions except TELE fans VISION. 

The vision, on the other hand, is to deprive people of private property. The world is ruled by a gang of thieves, but unusual ones because they are satanic. These are not ordinary thieves and robbers who collect tributes. These are people (some even think they are not) who got their "blessing" from Satan himself and that is why most of them are pedophiles. Avici revealed this in the video and that's probably why they killed him.


In a recent speech by President Joe Biden, he warned that "The time is coming when things are changing. There's going to be a new world order, and we need to lead it." Watch the video below (unfortunately in eng.) to find out:


I know that programmed people would not be convinced even if they said directly that they want to introduce communism as it is in China, but with my work I want to convince those thinking of a world conspiracy against humanity.



Biden thinks the US will lead the New World Order. Over 50% not very smart and also godless (it goes hand in hand) people elected an ultra-communist as president.

If Americans were a little closer to God, they would elect Trump, but if they were devoutly pious, the entire congress would be on the retreat.

America deserves to be punished. But also the whole world, because the world is not interested in the truth.

These are just consequences. Ignorance has a price.






Updated: 22 March 2022 — 07:57


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  1. Trampek is a student of the Jesuits and claims to be God's "chosen one". He belongs to a secret society, which he does not hide. Jews compare him to Cyrus the Great ... He has been vaccinated and advertised for vaccines, but the media avoid this topic. For me he is another "spare savior" from Satan's stable.

  2. Gowin in 2019 said that refugees should be brought in. They will be the future elites and leaders.
    Just as covid was the pretext to bring in the morality, war is the PRETEXT to mix the nations, cause world hunger and make the way to the NWO faster.

    It's hard for me to take a position on whether Putin is participating in the NWO plan or whether he is fighting Nazi Khazaria as is in many prophecies.

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