Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

8 VIP transport planes flew to the Urals where there are nuclear bunkers.

At least eight , and possibly as many as twelve Russian military jets, such as VIP transports and others that carry supplies, fly out of Moscow to the Urals. is where the Russian nuclear bunkers are located.



Russia is said to be preparing for a nuclear attack.


Also this morning there was a huge exodus of private jets from Moscow to Dubai:



I feel that we are at the end of time just before the coming of Jesus. Regardless of nuclear war, time is coming to an end.

Have you ever wondered what will happen to you after you die? Are you reconciled with God? Have you accepted the grace of salvation from the second death and begun to live a new life in Jesus Christ and His Word?



If not, do it today. Don't wait because tomorrow may not come.

Odsuń się od czynienia zła, od grzechu i wejdź w przymierze z Jezusem Chrystusem – JEDYNYM   Wyzwolicielem z tego więzienia na ziemi.



Updated: 18 March 2022 — 12:37

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