Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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UN secretary-general: nuclear war "back in the realm of possibility"

I believe that world Khazarian Freemasonry can do anything to people anymore. The degree of stupefaction surpasses the Himalayas.

I was talking to a person in real life today who recognized Putin as Hitler.

No cóż… “Słowacki wielkim poetą był”, a Obama to człowiek pokoju….Kwaśniewski i Tusk to mężowie stanu. Kuba Wojewódzki to autorytet medialny, a tak w ogóle to biblia została wymyślona..

For those who didn't catch it, I declare that the above paragraph is painfully sarcastic.


The longer he lives, the less he gets along with people undergoing brain wash.


To the point.


UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned Monday that a third world war is inevitable as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is set to turn nuclear.

Guterres warned journalists on Monday: "Finally, further escalation of the war, whether accidentally or deliberately, threatens all humanity. The heightened vigilance of Russian nuclear forces is a chilling development. Perspective nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, is now back in the realm of possibility."





It may be a bogeyman, but it was said the same way before February 24.

Notabene 24/42 – liczba masońska. Level 42. Ci, co oglądali na moim kanale film dotyczący tej liczby wiedzą o co chodzi.


A new Hitler is created to completely purge the other side.

But the bad guys are on both sides. Russia is doing business with China where it's US factories are. Just like Kwasniewski and Biden's son have interests in Ukraine.


Czy będzie wojna nuklearna, czy tylko tworzą fundament pod biblijny “pokój i bezpieczeństwo”? Nie wiem, ale we wspomnianym w dzisiejszym moim podkaście filmie główny bohater powiedział, że na zgliszczach świata zbuduje nowy lepszy świat.

Masons are not very smart people because if a world war breaks out it will affect their families too.




Updated: 15 March 2022 — 18:12


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  1. And have you seen those date calculations where from adding up the day, month and year of WW1 and WW2 it comes out 68 and with a total of 24.02.2022 too?

      1. Peter, it's just that this man is not a Nazi, but a Communist. I'm just wondering why they don't call him a Communist. But I know why, because the Zionists invented communism.

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