Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Mem speaks a thousand words. Don't trust pastors. Don't give in to this psychological operation.


At the same time, the sheep became all believers under the authority of the Zionist-Khazarian pastors.

Any pastor who sanctifies Ukraine and Zelenski is a deceiver.


But not just a deceiver but a murderer, for he is complicit in the deaths of many young men.


Below, Putin and Bush in Masonic robes with a Masonic circus.


photo is believable:



There is no invasion of Ukraine. Instead, there is Khazarian theater designed to sacrifice young people on both sides of the conflict.

Those pastors who promote this martyrdom of one nation are spiritual criminals.

As if one nation is holy and only the other nation is evil. This is not the case, the bad people at the top are on both sides.


Only cesspools flow with the current in Satan's world.

The Bible says that “My wiemy, że z Boga jesteśmy, a cały świat tkwi w złem.” 1 Jana 5.19


Khazar pastors or pro-Khazar pastors want to make you believe, contrary to the Word of God, that only one side is holy. Liars!


Thank you for the material you provided. As I wrote yesterday we are Last Thinkers and it is not pride or a sense of superiority but rather despair over believers subjected to the spirit of authority and therefore idolatry which is the idol of pastors.


No shepherd of God will uphold the mainstream rhetoric of the devil, the beast system.


They now often mix sympathy for the Russians with a one-sided view of the Ukrainian government as wronged politicians. The devil is in the details and they are just showing it.


Murmuring benefiting from my thoughts.


All my friends in Christ are at peace because they know that I am a theater and all those who deny me and come to my blog come for the truth that I present. After all, they could read TVPinfo or some new age site about war, but they go to me. Hypocrisy. Yes, but also proof that on my blog I have no interest in deceiving anyone. If you neg me, then don't visit the blog. It's so simple and consistent and builds good character.

Do you just want to take pride in my thoughts that help you understand something? The war, or the earlier covid?

Boasting of knowledge in front of others, but having me for nothing.

Do you find fault with me and benefit from my fight for truth?

I put up with the murmuring, and now you the truth about yourselves.



Who is fighting in the Donbass?



Perhaps any pastor who loves Jesus would like to get to know him better?



Ruslan Onishchenko, battalion commander of the Tornado volunteer police unit, and 11 of his colleagues. They are accused of organizing a criminal community, torture, rape, robbery, kidnapping and other particularly grave crimes against civilians in the war zone in eastern Ukraine.

One of the Tornado fighters was previously sentenced to prison in July 2016 for the perverse rape of a resident of the Luhansk region. The Novopolsk court in Luhansk region sentenced him to six years in prison.

W trakcie procesu prokuratorzy i sędziowie prowadzący proces podlegają ogromnej presji opinii publicznej. W sądzie ścierają się zwolennicy dowódcy batalionu, którzy nie zgadzają się na jego aresztowanie, z żołnierzami Gwardii Narodowej. Popiera ich część deputowanych Rady Najwyższej, z których jeden Siemion Semenchenko wprost wzywa do „zajęcia szturmem gmachu sądu”. Oskarżeni sami w swoich licznych wywiadach (pomimo aresztowania mają swobodny dostęp do internetu) prowadzą w ich obronie kampanie publiczne i mówią o maltretowaniu przez funkcjonariuszy organów ścigania, wywołując falę oburzenia.”

No tak brawo dla dzielnego prezydenta Ukrainy…..


Getting burned with a soldering iron by the Tornado Btaalion now defending Ukraine:


40 others with equally storied criminal pasts including Vitaly Dyakon, who died during his arrest in April 2015, have been declared Grey Battalion Cardinals. He had five convictions before the war began, including for robbery, plunder and rape.

Here is a victim of the Tornado Battalion being burned with a soldering iron:





We all already know this truth about Ukraine just not the pastors.

If you are a believer, think about who is your god: The righteous Jesus or the false shepherd.



Perhaps this video will appeal to many.



Perhaps this film will appeal to Catholics as well.

As one of the few Bible believers, I have been writing about Khazaria for many years. I have used the name of this nation to describe the world mafia thousands of times. It is only now that some non-practicing believing Catholics are beginning to operate the same expression for the CHM.


I have a separate section on my blog called Khazaria for many years:


Napisałem kilka dni temu, że świat przyjmie antychrysta z otwartymi rękoma…

I didn't know at the time how bad it was.

My esteemed reader, who by the way I don't know but is esteemed, worthy of respect because she notices this lie sent me comments from her friends regarding this Zelenski idol:



This is indeed frightening. The lunacy.


(8) Once again the devil took Him to a very high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor (9) And said to Him: I will give you all these things if you will fall down and worship me. (10) Na to odrzekł mu Jezus: Idź precz, szatanie! Jest bowiem napisane: Panu, Bogu swemu, będziesz oddawał pokłon i Jemu samemu służyć będziesz.” Mt 4


Let us pray for all these people, our acquaintances, because they have already succumbed to another lie of Khazaria.

They have already embraced the antichrist, especially since many write about Putin this way:



This is from another reader.


Podsumowując, jest bardzo źle i to z duchowością ludzi bezsensu czytających biblię, a cóż dopiero mówić o katolikach…..



Now another sieve is taking place.

I ask that all who support pastors who support only one country in this conflict stop reading my blog. Especially let the sheep of the pastor from Bielsko go away. He doesn't want the unrighteous here and people given to insanity or maybe just repent and run away from these churches.


Holiness is about separation. If you don't break it up, if you don't flee these churches you will be guilty of complicity in the sacrifices on both sides.





Updated: 6 March 2022 — 09:02


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  1. Nothing to add, nothing to take away. I subscribe to your words Peter.

    “Biada! Jak wielki to dzień i nie ma mu podobnego! Dla Jakuba to czas trwogi, ale będzie z niej wybawiony ”

    I think it is safe to say that we can call ourselves Jacob? We know what is going on, we know our oppressors and we know how terribly our ancestors blasphemed God. Do we not feel this fear deep inside? We know the future and we see how many of our brothers and sisters are blindfolded, they see nothing and do not want to hear! Maybe the good God will have mercy on us and save us from the tribulation.

  2. Był kiedyś film pt.”Parszywa dwunastka”, tak mi się przypomniało czytając o batalionie. Boże chroń przed zwyrodnialcami.

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