Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Currently there is only one martyrdom. HELPING THE CITIZENS OF UKRAINE? GET A GRIP, HOLY MOLY!

There is no other martyrdom than Ukrainian.

But Poles are excluded....

The neighbors could be in rich Germany, France, Austria, but they are in Poland.

May there be more films like this.




Updated: 5 March 2022 — 21:40


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  1. Well, yes, and it will be like ransom in Spain and ours will end up on the street, because, among other things, this is also what this show is about.

  2. No dokladnie, jak Siostra wyżej piszę, “okupas” w Polskiej wersji. I na własne życzenie, modlę się kiedy mogę o naszych rodaków, niech Pan Jezus otworzy im oczy. Jestem za pomaganiem ale rozsądnym. Niech Pan Bóg Cię błogosławi Piotr.

  3. Yes you need to help with your head. But there is no need to relate to them even though it is their political game, it is the civilians who suffer! Children! Think if they attacked us first, the same waves of mothers with children would go to the west, probably to Germany. Because in spite of this game of the upper ill spheres where everything is arranged and prepared anyway, it's really the people who suffer and instead of winding themselves up, let's help them walk with food and accommodation, it doesn't have to be your apartments but schools for what also remote learning have invented so let them give them there. I have two little boys myself and I can't imagine what other kids have to go through. Let's follow Jesus and talk about how we love Him, convert to the Lord's side and pray for all of this. Because there are too many people who are not converted even here. It is better to have a clear conscience that you could help than to look for pretexts to hate. Godspeed.

  4. I apologize in advance for errors . Let's help *

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