Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Putin sends children to the front. Russian drama.

Just a reminder that I have been banned from fey for a month starting today.

When some make martyrdom of Ukrainians others make Putin a savior from Deep State, child trafficking in Ukraine, but the truth is different:


If Poles don't start converting to God en masse, the flower of our homeland will be handed over to the devil in World War 3. You didn't believe me that this war would break out. Many jutubers thought there would not be one and unfortunately there is and soon there will probably be World War 3. The targets are mostly quasi Christian countries. They will murder each other. Slav to Slav, Christian to Christian.

He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. This is not our war.

Don't get caught up in patriotism. No country is sovereign. Neither Russia nor Ukraine. All countries are taken over by Khazars.



Once again, probably 10 since January, I'm proving that the two sides are playing to one goal:




Khazars are on both sides of the conflict and no pastor will tell you that. Absolutely none!



If you are fooled by this theater and religious authorities then you are done. Change your faith immediately.





Updated: 4 March 2022 — 19:57


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  1. Terrifying, no words.

  2. Why do they show their faces🙁 they are just following orders and because of videos like this they may not be allowed home anymore🙁 If they even go back to their parents they may be shot for betraying their country or state secrets 🙁 but this is sad and ugly. You can say why he went to the army but it's family pressure or like in Poland 20 years and you retire. Everything is deliberate by the evil one. We should pray for them too

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