Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Bitter Grief.

I am currently reading the book of Numbers and have begun to identify greatly with the feelings of God and Moses.

I already explain why I empathized with what Moses and God were experiencing.



(4) So they said one to another: Let us choose a leader and return back to Egypt.
(Księga Liczb 14:4)” 

Moses wanted the people entrusted to him to obey God, but the people returned the favor with complaining, detraction (Aron and his sister Miriam), and lack of faith (the scouts sent out).




I never aspired to be a Christian leader. I simply started a blog for myself as a hobby. I wandered around in the beginning and grew as time went on.


When I reached a certain level of spiritual development, I began to share my insights, experiences with others. Many people found it helpful, and I know this from the thanks I received.


I too have had moments of brokenness like Moses, though far from his humility and sanctification, but I was not raised from birth in the principles contained in the Torah.


My compassion for God.

(11) Then the LORD said to Moses, How long will this people insult me? How long will they not believe me, in spite of all the signs that I have done among them? (12) Wytracę ich zarazą i wygubię ich, a ciebie uczynię ludem większym i silniejszym od nich” Liczb 14.



Mimo, że wierzący przychodzą tutaj nie po wiadomości (te są w necie), a po moje przemyślenia i co kuriozalne wybierają jak ze szwedzkiego stołu, a kiedy zakładam grupę, to te same osoby mnie negujące a korzystające z mojej twórczości chcą w tej grupie być…..

Evident lack of sanctification and respect and consistency.


Aside from the fact that they don't financially support me, a man reporting from a biblical angle on the news (how many of these DAILY news stories do you have online?), this gives these people often peace of mind in troubled timesI sometimes encourage them with my biblical reflections, and in return I receive heckling, spite, pinching, murmuring, and slander.

I'm not writing about atheists or satanists here, although one recently attacked me by writing to everyone on Facebook. I am writing about people who declare themselves as believers.


Did you guys think I was the first to be fired when they started dealing with the Christian opposition?

So instead of showing me respect, I was getting heckling.

I know they are weak people and often under the influence of demons, but it would be worth looking in the mirror sometimes to see the hatred in yourself.

Many have already received retribution like Aaron's sister who was stricken with leprosy, but my point is not about retribution, but about converting these people and looking at what they are doing.

If you send me some negativity-laced allusions, know that you are not the only one, and you are not the only one I have to put up with, not just your evil Christian hatter. If you pinch the man standing on the front line, you are just a weakling.


We are slowly approaching the time where I will have to go underground. One of the foreign sites I used to get my information from has been banned by fey.

Several Polish sites have been disabled. Apparently and

The Internet will cease to exist as it is now.

I am all the more sorry that there are people attacking among the supposed believers. You are killing me with your hatred and I want you to know this as God will hold you accountable for it.

However, it would be better if you would come to your senses.


(4) So they said one to another: Let us choose a leader and return back to Egypt.
(Księga Liczb 14:4)” 
Learn consistency and don't read someone you negate. Holy from the Hebrew means separated, and so I count on your willingness to sanctify Christian marauders and walk away from my blog.
Over the weekend, due to one person having to choose, she texted me that she was stopping reading. How happy I was. The first person to show consistency that was both manly and sanctified. Praise God for this man's decision. For a moment I gained faith in the honor of men.
You get good from me and yet you murmur at me? Think about who you are. In these troubled times I filter information, during the plandemics I proved that the elixir is evil, thanks to which you are alive, now I indicate that this war is a theater, so a little respect Poles.
If you think what I do isn't valuable, don't look. Pick another Christian journalist, person who organizes conventions, does Bible studies, etc.
Is it possible to murmur, to besmirch God for His goodness? One can.
Is it possible to bite a man who fights for the truth and the things of God and thereby receive peace of mind and at the same time detract and bite? One can.
Instead of murmuring at me be honorable and go away.
At the same time, I thank you very much in the name of Jesus to all those who show me Christian love, with words, material support and prayers. May God reward you.


Updated: 1 March 2022 — 13:21

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