Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The war in Ukraine has started an APOCALYPSE. +film

The text is edited today from the day of the official outbreak of war on 24.02.2022 (22.02 provocations began).


I have written for many years that there would be a war and I was only wrong about the timing.

Just as I knew and tuned in to the biblical tribulation, of which plandium is the antecedent.


Today, after several days of this theater that was prepared long ago, we are richer in knowledge.

Fake news is on both sides: Russian and Ukrainian.


Now we also know why there was a census last year. Millions of Ukrainians are to be sent to Poland. You build a wall against refugees from Syria and other countries, but let in millions of people including Banderovtsy:



This war is social engineering and another bogeyman on people:



The same corporations that were scaring kowid and urging vaccines are now scaring war and participating in a military operation called "Ukrainians to Poland." Protests, fundraisers, emotionally stirring photos, etc.

Those who supported Owsiak are now supporting Ukraine. In both cases apparently the idea is right. Evil never declares itself as good.





I am sorry for the same reason that Ukrainians are dying what with Russian soldiers being deceived by the Putin regime.

The winners as usual will be the Khazars.




Do you remember the assurances of Russian diplomacy that there would be no invasion? Communists cannot be believed. Remember this, because there are communists on the western side too.

Russia has one of the highest forms of communism. Only China and North Korea surpass it.


In this war, Christians from Russia are murdering Christians from Ukraine.

This is how false religions work, and one of them is Orthodoxy alongside Catholicism, where German Christians murdered Polish Catholics in 1939. People can't recognize by the fruit.

Ba, even on the internet they can't recognize by fruit, let alone talk during a war.

My comment with videos of Ukrainians at war from the day it started:


Martial law has been declared in Ukraine.


Orthodox Christians are killing Orthodox Christians. Both sides are not righteous and religion deceives them about salvation.


Recently, many pastors and evangelical teachers have exposed themselves by saying that DECALOGUE DOES NOT APPLY. It is because of such that there are wars.

The 6th commandment from God:

You will not kill.

Exodus 20.



To my readers who believe in the Word of God and therefore in the Law of God:

Let us pray for people deceived by religions and deviant teachers to come to the Living God and ONLY have their footing in Him.

For decades, the Protestant pastor system and the Catholic church have upheld the beast system by not pointing out where the evil is.

No pastor dares to point out the system of Khazaria that is Zionism.

They are on both sides of the conflict. They have milked the Ukrainians and the Russians,

Now they want the Poles.

Some believe they want to restore the Khazarian kingdom from the Middle Ages:




If believers were sanctified by the Word of God and not by religiosity no one would be electing evil men to lead us into this war.

Let us pray for Ukrainians and Poles and Russians that they will come to know the Truth (Jesus and His Word) which will free them from the snare of lies. Let us pray for them not to end up with Satan in the lake of fire.


I'm reminded of Madonna's music video:



Madonna sang in the capital of the beast system that not everyone will enter the future.

These days, months are the triumph of satanists.


First, Satanist Billy Eilish "prophesied" 2019 with one song and then another:




This is just the wrong beginning.

All those who said I've been scaring people for years with war have now met reality, and this is just the beginning....

What is a paradox is that many of my haters wanted to get on Discord. So why do you come to my blog, channel if you don't like me? Think about it....


But Jesus said it wasn't over yet. (Matthew 24).


The screen shot below is from The Simpsons of 2020:




And I saw, and, behold, a white horse, and he that sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went forth as an overcomer, that he might overcome.


And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second animal saying: Come, and see!
And out came the other horse of lynx[3]And unto him that sat on him it was given to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another; and unto him was given a great sword.


Hostilities in Ukraine began this part of the Apocalypse.



And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third animal saying: Come, and see! And I saw, and behold, the horse of the crow[4]and he who sat on him had the scales in his hand.
And I heard a voice out of the midst of the four beasts saying, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and do not hurt the oil or the wine.


And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth animal saying, Come, and see!
And I saw, and behold, a fawn horse[5]. . and the name of him that sat upon him was Death, and the Abyss accompanied him; and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to slay with the sword, and with hunger, and with sorcery, and by the beasts of the earth.
(Rev 6:1-8)

We are at the stage of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Poland is doing very badly by playing almost first fiddle in this war.




Updated: 27 February 2022 — 10:34


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  1. Special radar (reveals more than Flightradar24) at this link:

    When you press the letter U at the top of the screen you will see military flights of course all that you can see.
    Currently, a B52 with atomic transfer capability is circling over Suwalk.

  2. For the sake of clarity. Russian troops in Belarus have not formed an array to attack the Baltic countries!
    What we see in Brest is a front to attack Lvov from the north. They have no other place to go but there.

  3. Peter, you have duplicate quotes 😉

  4. Piotr Politowicz, thanks for the radar 😉

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