Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A senior Facebook executive who supports Biden was caught running a pedophilia ring.

Facebook/Meta Community Development Manager Jeren A. Miles allegedly told the underage boy in text messages: "I won't have any restrictions on you since I'm horny." reports: "I was flirting (with him), Miles admits on camera, before claiming he never had any intention of meeting the boy, despite setting up two separate meetings with specific details of hotels and hotel rooms.


The group caught him at the Le Meridien Columbus Hotel, where he allegedly planned to meet the child.

Miles then explains his "rationalization" that he thought it was okay to flirt with a 13-year-old boy online, as long as he never intended to meet him.


He then bragged about his superior position on Facebook, presumably to impress the boy, while admitting that he told the minor that He wants to "commune with you, touch you, suck you."

Miles claims that the engagement with the boy was the first time he had done something similar, which is questionable given the language he used when talking to the boy.

"Eric Schmutte, the man recording the live broadcast and one half of the Indianapolis Predator Catchers, tells me he is sending all chat logs and evidence to law enforcement in Columbus, Ohio, and Palm Springs, California, where Miles allegedly lives," Ngo wrote.

After posting on YouTube, Miles removed his entire online social media presence.


Facebook with predator aggression defends the LGBT community and now we know why. LGBT as I have mentioned many times paves the way for pedophiles and Mark Zuckerberg himself is a fan of the star Remfan because current Jews are not Judeans by origin as the bible says in Revelation chapter 3. The head of Fey has a dog that is dressed in the symbol of the idol Remfan.



The Israelites NEVER specialized in trade, nor did they practice Sodomy.


These Khazars, mixed with Edomites want to normalize sexual contact with children through legislation.


Facebook employees like Miles with access to users' private conversations can pick out underage candidates for their sexual preferences, and perhaps that's how Miles did it.


Let us pray for evil men that God will expose their lies.



Updated: 18 February 2022 — 18:52

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  1. Jeren A. Miles na tym filmie nie wygląda na człowieka, wygląda bardzo podejrzanie przez jego oczy i mimikę. Wygląda jak robot, klon lub udaje chorego umysłowo czyli opętanego lub faktycznie jest opętany…

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