Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

President Zelenski declared February 16 as the Day of Unity of Ukrainians. "Russia is changing troop positions 'to attacking.

The President of Ukraine declared this very day, which according to American intelligence is supposed to be the day of Russia's attack on Ukraine, the Day of Unity of Ukrainians.

Russia, on the other hand, claims that the West has become hysterical with a potential war and that it is merely conducting exercises.

The media, on the other hand, reports something different.

Rosja zmienia pozycje wojsk “na atakujące”:



Już kiedyś pisałem, że to że wygląda wszystko na wojnę wcale wojną nie musi być. Wczoraj otrzymałem ciekawy komentarz uzupełniający moją wiedzę o kwestię Nord Stream 2, ale co do zasady mamy wspólny mianownik spojrzenia na tę potencjalną wojnę – to USA zależy na wojnie Ukrainy z Rosją:


“Kryzys na Ukrainie nie dotyczy Ukrainy. Chodzi o Niemcy.
The Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine. It is about Germany, and in particular about a pipeline connecting Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2. Washington sees the pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn. Nevertheless, Nord Stream has moved forward and is now fully operational and ready to go. Once final certification is issued by German regulators, gas deliveries will begin. German homeowners and businesses will have a reliable source of clean and affordable energy, while Russia will see a significant increase in gas revenues. It's a win-win situation for both parties.
The US foreign policy establishment is not happy with these developments. They do not want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas because trade builds trust and trust leads to more trade. As relations warm, more trade barriers are removed, regulations are relaxed, travel and tourism increase, and a new security architecture evolves. In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for American military bases, expensive American weapons and missile systems, or NATO. There is also no need to enter into U.S. dollar energy transactions or accumulate U.S. Treasury bonds to balance accounts.

Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies, which will inevitably lead to a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power. This is why the Biden administration opposes Nord Stream



What I have already written about several times, that Biden as a Masonic puppet represents the arms industry. It is the US that cares about the war.



It's not just a creek, it's a window into the future; a future where Europe and Asia are moving closer together, creating a massive free trade zone that increases their mutual power and prosperity, leaving the US on the outside. The warming of relations between Germany and Russia signals the end of the "unipolar" world order that the US has overseen for the past 75 years. The German-Russian alliance threatens to accelerate the demise of the superpower, which is now slowly approaching the precipice. Washington is therefore determined to do everything in its power to sabotage Nord Stream and keep Germany in its orbit. It is a matter of survival.

This is where Ukraine comes in. Ukraine is Washington's "weapon of choice" to torpedo Nord Stream and put a wedge between Germany and Russia. The strategy is taken from page one of the US Foreign Policy Handbook under the heading Divide and Rule. Washington must create the impression that Russia is a threat to Europe's security. That is the goal. They must show that Putin is a bloodthirsty aggressor with an explosive temperament who cannot be trusted. To this end, the media have been tasked with repeating over and over again: "Russia is planning to invade Ukraine." What is unaccounted for is that Russia has not invaded any country since the collapse of the Soviet Union and that the United States has invaded or overthrown regimes in more than 50 countries in the same timeand that the United States maintains over 800 military bases in countries around the world. The media fails to report this, instead focusing on "evil Putin" who has amassed some 100,000 troops along the border with Ukraine, threatening to plunge all of Europe into another bloody war.


Dobrze, że są strony/ludzie, którzy o tym piszą. To nasi “sojusznicy” (czytaj okupanci) mający w kieszeni kolejne rządy napadają na inne kraje, ale prawda jest taka, że masoneria jest po obu stronach. Przykład? USA jako producent broni napada na Wietnam, ale w Wietnamie funkcjonuje system komunistyczny, który stworzyli Chazarowie. Wystarczy poczytać biografię Marksa.

Hegelian dialectics.




All the hysterical war propaganda is created with the intention of creating a crisis that can be used to isolate, demonize and ultimately break Russia into smaller units. However, the real target is not Russia, but Germany. Check out this excerpt from Michael Hudson's article in The Unz Review:
„Jedynym sposobem, jaki pozostał amerykańskim dyplomatom, by zablokować europejskie zakupy , jest sprowokowanie Rosji do militarnej odpowiedzi , a następnie twierdzenie, że zemsta za tę odpowiedź przeważa nad czysto narodowymi interesami gospodarczymi. Jak wyjaśniła jastrzębia podsekretarz stanu ds. politycznych Victoria Nuland podczas briefingu prasowego Departamentu Stanu 27 stycznia: „Jeśli Rosja w taki czy inny sposób zaatakuje Ukrainę, Nord Stream 2 nie posunie się naprzód”. ( “Prawdziwymi przeciwnikami Ameryki są jej europejscy i inni sojusznicy” , The Unz Review).

There it is in black and white. Biden's team wants to "get Russia to respond militarily" to sabotage NordStream. This means that nast there will be some kind of provocation aimed at getting Putin to send his troops across the border to defend ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country. If Putin swallows the bait, the reaction will be swift and sharp. The media will denounce this action as a threat to all of Europe, while leaders around the world will denounce Putin as the "new Hitler". This is Washington's strategy in a nutshell, and the entire production is orchestrated for one purpose; to politically prevent Chancellor Olaf Scholz from pushing NordStream through the final approval process.



Someone might ask me: how is it that there are Khazars everywhere, I claim this is theater, and yet they fight each other?

I answer: these false Judeans are like Pruszkow and Wolomin, and so they fight for their spheres of influence. Freemasonry has business in both Russia and the USA. They differ, but the Mafia rules in both countries.

What is happening now is also an energy shortage and a struggle for survival:


Given what we know about Washington's opposition to Nord Stream, readers may wonder why earlier this year the Biden administration lobbied Congress NOT to impose further sanctions on the project. The answer to that question is simple: domestic politics. Germany is now phasing out its nuclear plants and needs natural gas to compensate for the energy shortfall. Also, the threat of economic sanctions is a "deterrent" to Germans who see them as a sign of foreign interference. "Why is the United States interfering in our energy decisions," the average German asks. "Washington should mind its own business and stay out of ours." That is exactly the response one would expect from any reasonable person.




Then there is this from Al Jazeera:
"Germans mostly support the project, only part of the elite and the media are against the pipeline ...
"The more the US talks about sanctioning or criticizing the project, the more popular it becomes in German society," said Stefan Meister, an expert on Russia and Eastern Europe at the German Council on Foreign Relations. ("Nord Stream 2: Why Russia's Pipeline to Europe Divides the West" , AlJazeera)
So public opinion is strongly in favor of Nord Stream, which helps explain why Washington has decided on a new approach. Sanctions won't work, so Uncle Sam has flipped to Plan B: Create a big enough external threat that Germany will be forced to block the opening of the pipeline . Frankly, the strategy has a taste of desperation, but Washington's persistence has to be impressed. They may have lost by 5 runs in the bottom of the ninth, but they haven't thrown in the towel yet. They'll give it one last shot and see if they can move forward.
W poniedziałek prezydent Biden odbył w Białym Domu swoją pierwszą wspólną konferencję prasową z kanclerzem Niemiec Olafem Scholzem. Ballyhoo wokół wydarzenia było po prostu bezprecedensowe. Wszystko zostało zaaranżowane, aby wytworzyć „atmosferę kryzysu”, której Biden używał do wywierania nacisku na kanclerz w kierunku polityki USA. Wcześniej w tym tygodniu rzeczniczka Białego Domu Jen Psaki wielokrotnie mówiła, że ​​„rosyjska inwazja jest nieuchronna”. Po jej komentarzach Nick Price z Departamentu Stanu stwierdził, że agencje Intela przekazały mu szczegóły rzekomej wspieranej przez Rosję operacji „fałszywej flagi”, którą spodziewają się w najbliższej przyszłości przeprowadzić na wschodzie Ukrainy. Po ostrzeżeniu Price’a w niedzielę rano doradca ds. bezpieczeństwa narodowego Jake Sullivan stwierdził, że rThe Ossian invasion could happen at any time, maybe even tomorrow. This was just days after the Bloomberg News agency published the sensational and completely false headline that "Russia invades Ukraine."
Do you see a pattern here? Do you see how these baseless claims were used to put pressure on an unsuspecting German chancellor who seemed unaware of the campaign against him?
As expected, the final blow was dealt by the American president himself. During a press conference, Biden emphatically stated that
"If Russia invades ... there will be no more Nord Stream 2. We will put an end to it".
So now Washington is setting policy for Germany???
What an unbearable arrogance!
The German chancellor was surprised by Biden's comments, which were clearly not part of the original scenario. Still, Scholz never agreed to cancel Nord Stream and refused to even mention the pipeline by name. If Biden thought he would be able to baffle the leader of the world's third largest economy by axing him in a public forum, he guessed wrong. Germany remains committed to launching Nord Stream regardless of potential flare-ups in faraway Ukraine. But that could change at any time. After all, who knows what incitement Washington may be planning in the near future? Who knows how many lives they are willing to sacrifice to drive a wedge between Germany and Russia? Who knows what risks Biden is willing to take to slow America's decline and prevent the emergence of a new "polycentric" world order? Anything can happen in the coming weeks. Anything.
For now, Germany is in the Catbird seat. It is up to Scholz to decide how to handle the issue. Will he implement policies that best serve the interests of the German people, or will he succumb to Biden's constant hand-wringing? Will he chart a new course that strengthens new alliances in a vibrant Eurasian corridor, or will he lend his support to Washington's crass geopolitical ambitions? Will it accept Germany's pivotal role in the new world order - in which multiple emerging power centers participate equally in global governance and where leadership remains unwaveringly committed to multilateralism, peaceful development, and security for all - or will it try to prop up a battered postwar system that has clearly outlived its shelf life?
One thing is certain; cokolwiek postanowią Niemcy, będzie miało wpływ na nas wszystkich. “


Goggle automatic translation from: [blocked by Facebook]/mwhitney/the-crisis-in-ukraine-is-not-about-ukraine-its-about-germany/



Very good analysis. We should all trumpet as Christians that the US (chazaro-masonry) wants this war as well as all previous wars. As Christians, let's pray that all the U.S. plotting will come to light, just as it did vs. the false flag operation announced on Feb. 16. Perhaps what is to be will be, but I don't think anyone wants war.

Nevertheless, after this article I must once again verify my understanding of the identity of Babylon the Great from Revelation chapter 18. For now, I believe it to be the same organization, i.e., the Vatican, but who knows given the evil it does, whether Babylon the Great is not the United States of Freemasonry after all. If so, they will be destroyed. What doesn't sit well with me is that Babylon is to be destroyed by the beast. If that were the case then it would have to be destroyed by itself.


So whether there will be a war depends on the attitude of Russia and Germany.

Ale zauważmy “nasze” – Polski –  poddaństwo światowemu żandarmowi jakim są USA. Już się mówi o przyjmowaniu setek tysięcy uchodźców z Ukrainy podczas ewentualnej wojny, a nawet dokwaterowaniu ich do naszych domów.


Jest jeszcze coś. Otóż wg Planu 3 wojen światowych trzecia wojna ma się rozpocząć między agenturą syjonizmu i islamu, a tutaj mamy konflikt USA – Rosja, ewentualnie Niemcy tak na prawdę. Chyba, że ten plan był fałszywką, ale dwie wojny się sprawdziły.


I don't know if you paid attention, but this Zionist and pseudo-Protestant country that is the United States is attacking Russia in the same way as Gaddafi and Hussein. The only thing missing is the word dictator:



Now let's take a look at an article from 2011 from the portal:;pakuje;zloto;do;samolotu;szykuje;sie;do;ucieczki,143,0,783759.html


Tak jak wspomniałem brakuje Putinowi tylko przydomku “dyktator”. Ale z tym pewnie czekają amerykańsko-chazarskie media.


In the video below, it is clearly explained what the US government thugs were all about:




Finally, watch the anti-Kovid pastors on the keyboard. If they attack only PUTIN, it means they are Zionist agents. Write to me if you notice something like this.

A significant number of pastors in the US are Zionists. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. A mini example from Poland:



Chojecki along with a representative from Christians for America for Israel.

I am curious about the attitude of this pastor from Bielsko and Tarnowskie Góry.


Will there be a war? According to the above text, everything depends on the attitude of Ukraine, Germany and Russia. Probably a false flag is ready. Based on the information so far, war will break out, but let's not forget that the ball is in play because yesterday Ukraine announced a meeting with the OSCE countries and gave Moscow 48 hours to respond.

A lot can change in these already less than two days.

Again, in closing, please let people know what is in the text and pray that any Zion/American conspiracies come to light.

I have brothers and sisters near the border and I don't want them to suffer, although on the other hand humanity as a whole deserved war.





Updated: 15 February 2022 — 09:23


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  1. In my opinion if W breaks out and it will happen a matter of time , it will definitely not be , it will be III although the media will definitely interpret it that way . The 3rd war will be when the antichrist Mahdi unites the entire Islamic world against the remnant of Christians . It will , it will probably be when the antichrist rallies the troops against Jesus . Pike probably got the message from the demons that this war will be won , but we know that Jesus with his mouth breath is going to wipe out the antichrist . Hypothetical date 2029-2030 .

  2. Ci nasi “sojusznicy” chyba coś planują na podkarpaciu tyle samolotów wojskowych co tu teraz lata to podczas 2 wojny światowej chyba tylko latało , wczoraj w bieszczadach nisko nad domami latały BlackHawki. Z Mieleckiego lotniska zrobili sobie bazę wszystko ogrodzone ,chodzą tylko i patrolują z pistoletami dookoła , nawet mają wyrzucić z stamtąd szkółki lotnicze do Krosna. Sam żołnierz amerykański w wywiadzie co sądzą o tym konflikcie Rosja-Ukraina powiedział że nie wiele o tym wie jedynie wie jak dobrze wykonać swoją pracę. Tylko Pan Jezus może nas uratować.

    1. In general on Facebook I saw a video how blackhawks and some vehicles were in the wet near Zamosc(60km) from the Ukrainian border.

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