Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Amazon advertises Alexa as mind-reading.

A telling scene from this commercial after which we could say that we already know everything about this commercial, but still let's analyze the spot.


At about 0:28 Scarlett learns that she needs mouthwash. At 0;49 she shows the sign of the all-seeing eye.

The husband calls it an "eye patch," after which Alexa comments to remind her husband, to fake his death on March 8.


March 8 is celebrated as a women's holiday, but not in the way we understand it. Every world holiday has an ideological or occult, pagan basis.


March 8 is International Women's Day...the day Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union an "evil empire"

Pomimo, iż znaczna część ludzi kojarzy  Dzień Kobiet  z PRL: rajstopami goździkiem, to pierwszy raz celebrowano to święto 28 lutego 1909 roku w USA…….



It was established to commemorate the tragic events of March 8, 1908. In New York City several thousand women wanted to change their fate. In one of the factories women working from morning till night for miserable wages went on strike. They demanded decent working conditions and the right to vote. The factory owner, wanting to avoid publicity and scandal, simply locked them in. A fire broke out. At the time, 129 women were burned.

To dla upamiętnienia tamtych tragicznych wydarzeń ustanowiono Dzień Kobiet. Obchodzony najpierw w USA, wkrótce stał się świętem międzynarodowym. W 1910 r. proklamowała je Międzynarodówka Socjalistyczna, zrzeszająca partie socjaldemokratyczne i robotnicze.”



It was probably a false flag that was organized to celebrate the PAGAN ROMAN HOLIDAY from generation to generation.

And by the way, the Matronalia was in Rome that day. I wrote about it three years ago:


All roads lead to Rome: the feast of Mithras on December 24, the 31st feast of Sylvester the Pope, the feast of Ishtar in March/April, etc.


No więc nie zdziwiłbym się gdyby fałszywa flaga miała miejsce na granicy rosyjsko-ukraińskiej choć z drugiej strony osobiście uważam a prorokiem nie jestem, że atak nastąpi wcześniej….


On the other hand, Alexa was reading minds, which in the official version could simply mean synchronizing electronic devices with the human mind.

Whether it had two bottoms this time will become clear on March 8, but on the other hand it would be too easy.




Updated: 9 February 2022 — 16:03


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