Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."



The performance of the PIS deputy on regional television can be counted as definitely rare in the Polish Sejm, or even unbelievable.

The MP claims that the treatment procedure is such that "a patient with a cold/flu is supposed to go home and wait until they get seriously ill and that's why we have the deaths that we have."

Moderator: "Madam, you are in opposition to the pandemic".

Maria Kurowska: "yes I am in opposition to the pandemic".

More incredible than encountering a cep just after entering the woods....


Apart from Ewa Kopacz from the pre-plandemic era, an attitude impossible in the ranks of the communist PO.

PO deputy Joanna Frydrych spoke disgracefully on the program, notoriously interrupting Maria Kurowska.



I have long said that the fact that we have PIS in power for the duration of the plandemic is a blessing.

Of course it would be better if there was a Confederacy and even better if biblical Christians ruled, but we are ruled by what we have.


The truth cannot be stopped, and such wonderful people must be prayed for. If we are commanded by Jesus to pray for our enemies, then we are all the more to fight spiritually for everyone who reveals the truth regardless of their membership in the deceptive Catholic Church. We were also in it.


Let us pray for this woman.


Updated: 26 January 2022 — 12:06


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  1. Please pray with me "Lord God our Creator we humbly ask you to show all Poles and the whole world what sh_vaccines really are, please show everyone if they destroy the natural human immunity and what side effects they cause.
    We also ask you for all the people who speak the truth about sh_vaccines to have them in your protection."

  2. A very wise and factual statement by her. May God bless and protect her. Thank God for such people.

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