The topic of seats after death is one of the topics I have lined up in my head.
But right now I just want to drop the slogan that souls exist after death.
My understanding of this time after life on earth is this: the model for learning the truth about what will happen after death is the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man.
“«Żył pewien człowiek bogaty, który ubierał się w purpurę i bisior i dzień w dzień świetnie się bawił. U bramy jego pałacu leżał żebrak okryty wrzodami, imieniem Łazarz. Pragnął on nasycić się odpadkami ze stołu bogacza; nadto i psy przychodziły i lizały jego wrzody. Umarł żebrak, i aniołowie zanieśli go na łono Abrahama. Umarł także bogacz i został pogrzebany. Gdy w Otchłani, pogrążony w mękach, podniósł oczy, ujrzał z daleka Abrahama i Łazarza na jego łonie. zawołał: „Ojcze Abrahamie, ulituj się nade mną i poślij Łazarza; niech koniec swego palca umoczy w wodzie i ochłodzi mój język, for I suffer terribly in this flame""
Na podstawie tej części Pisma i nie tylko bo Mt 22 (” Tam będzie płacz i zgrzytanie zębów”” ) jestem pewien, że zanim śmierć i piekło zostaną wrzucone do jeziora ognia, wszyscy zmarli niezbawieni, czyli nie oczyszczeni krwią Jezusa, będą mieli CODZIENNIE PRZED OCZYMA OBRAZY JAK KRZYWDZILI INNYCH I WILL DESPAIR AT THE REALIZATION THAT THEY HAVE BEEN SEPARATED FROM GOD AND THEIR LOVED ONESWHO WILL LIVE IN A NEW BETTER EARTH without disease, without war, without hate and without lies.
Unsaved people will look with their souls at the weeping of every person who has cried because of them, every hector who has poked a pin in others will feel the suffering of his victim.
It will be suffering to the eighth power compared to that felt by the people murdered by the Khazarian communists.
Every evil done to a neighbor, a father, a mother, children will be and is in the minds of sinners not cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
It will all be counted, every evil deed.
Fire is just a metaphor and the proof is in Jesus' words:
(18) I counsel thee to buy of me gold purified in the fire, that thou mayest become rich, and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that thy nakedness be not revealed, and balm to anoint thy eyes, that thou mayest see. Rev. 3.
These fires are situations that burn away our spiritual dirt.
Following this line, all the unsaved will have permanently and continuously until the second death in their mind every malice, cursing, hatred and suffering of another person.
If anyone wants to imagine it, recall your moments of breakdown, of weakness, the emotions that caused the stressand it will only be a substitute for what awaits people who have not been reconciled to God, i.e. in fact, the majority share.
This is why it is written:
People joke about hell with such a slogan, which circulates a lot among unintelligent creatures, that they will older boilers. But in this part of Hades there will be no cauldrons, but weeping and gnashing of teeth, eternal spiritual torment and damnation.
To będzie także społeczność z demonami – istotami, które stoją za wojnami, pornografią, nadużywaniem alkoholu, pedofilią, cudzołóstwem, oszustwami, kłamstwami itd.
Większość Chazarów tam trafi, bolszewickich zbrodniarzy, bankierzy i ekumeniczni księża i pastorzy. Bergolio będzie słyszał codziennie rozpacz rodzin, które uwierzyły w “Ostatnią Prostą”.
Hitler will hear the cries and moans of all those murdered as much as the average Gestapo man.
Any politician who brings financial ruin to the citizens with an unjust and thieving financial system will end up in a place where he has a daily image in his mind of people committing suicide through debt and credit.
However, God is still giving the opportunity to everyone for rescue from this terrible place, for everyone is guilty before God, everyone is a criminal of the LAW.
No nationality or church affiliation matters. Just come to Jesus Christ, apologize for all your sins that you remember and give your life to Jesus and live according to the Word of God.
This is the RESCUE in Christ.
God will not look to see if you decorated the Christmas tree, just as a police officer is not interested in whether you put on new hubcaps and tuned up your car, but he is interested in the Law.
This place simply belongs to these people.
So appreciate what Jesus has done for you and turn back from your evil way while there is still time.
The sacrifice has been paid. Just accept it, this wonderful and undeserved gift, and follow the guidance and INSTRUCTIONS of God's Word.
I wish all the best in the New Way of Life to reasonable people.
“Przyjdźcie do Mnie wszyscy, którzy utrudzeni i obciążeni jesteście, a Ja was pokrzepię. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 Albowiem jarzmo moje jest słodkie, a moje brzemię lekkie” Mt 11.28