Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Fac ebook blocks the sharing of my messages.

Not only has it been cutting my range like YT for months, but now Fa ce book is blocking my message sharing.

You are complaining to me that this message is appearing on my profile:

This site has repeatedly provided false information.
Some posts shared on the Truth Detective website contained false information that was verified by independent verifiers or violated our Community Standards.
Facebook współpracuje z niezależnymi weryfikatorami, aby powstrzymać rozpowszechnianie fałszywych informacji. Dowiedz się więcej”


Fa ce book is doing what the people of the famous dictator did:



Now it is done in a different way, but the effect is the same.


Fa ce book ma monopol na “prawdę”, gdyż mają za swego ojca boga Saturna, czym się szczyci sam szef pokazując swego psa:



Praise God for blocking me because it is a great honor to be silenced by an organization like Facebook.


Remember when they take down my profile to go directly to



Praise Jesus.



Updated: 23 January 2022 — 14:15


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  1. I deleted a real account there a long time ago, then a temporary left account to communicate with a few people and to work.
    I have concluded that I will no longer enter this strange portal. And I don't regret it.

    I remember when I had a real account, how my friends would put food, their kids and all that stupid stuff. What's that for?
    We should not be on such a thing unless for evangelism purposes.
    But as you can see, they're making it difficult as well.

    Praise the Lord for you and what you are doing.
    God is with you, so who is against you?

  2. They also give me some warnings, I think I will delete my account, there is nothing interesting there, it is getting worse. Greetings to you warmly ☺

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