Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Say to the troubled in heart, Be strong, do not be afraid!

Today I received such a word as the following. God knows my heart and the hearts of us all and so for this sanctifying Saturday He comforts us with the 35th chapter of Isaiah:



(4) Mówcie do zaniepokojonych w sercu: Bądźcie mocni, nie bójcie się! Oto wasz Bóg! Nadchodzi pomsta, odpłata Boża! Sam on przychodzi i wybawi was! (5) Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will also be opened. (6) Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will speak joyfully, for waters will gush out in the desert and streams in the steppe. (7) The scorched sandy earth will turn into a pond, and the waterless land into rivulets; there will be room for reeds and rushes in the jackals' lair. (8) And there will be a beaten path, called the Holy Way. The unclean shall not walk in it; it shall be for his pilgrims only. Even the foolish will not stray from it. (9) There will be no lion there, and the beast of prey will not walk on it; it will not be met there. But the redeemed shall walk therein. (10) And they shall return redeemed by the Lord, and shall go up to Zion with joyful singing. Wieczna radość owionie ich głowę, dostąpią wesela i radości, a troska i wzdychanie znikną.


Praise God the Father in Jesus' name.



Updated: 21 January 2022 — 21:28


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  1. Amen! Szabat szalom 🙂

  2. Niech się to wszystko stanie jak najszybciej dla Chwały Bożej .

  3. Szabat szalom drodzy Bracia i Siostry🙂

    1. Udanej reszty weekendu siostro 🙂

      1. Dziękuję braciszku w imieniu Pana Jezusa Chrystusa i dla Ciebie i wszystkich życzę tego samego 🙂

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