Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

US fuels conflict by authorizing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to send arms to Ukraine worth

The U.S. State Department rhetorically added gasoline to the fire by authorizing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to send U.S. weapons to Ukraine by wover 200 million.

The weapons will arrive in Ukraine within a few days.

Such an action demonstrates the demonic nature of Communist Biden's actions, adding to the stove instead of making an offer worth negotiating.




Under export control regulations, countries must obtain State Department approval before transferring any weapons received from the United States to third parties.

According to one source, third-party transfer agreements will allow Estonia to transfer Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, while Lithuania will be able to send Stinger missiles.

The news emerged yesterday after Biden said, that Russian President Vladimir Putin will enter Ukraine and said Russia would pay dearly for a full-scale invasion, with its companies likely to lose access to the U.S. dollar.


The old, tried and true ways are never wrong. Recall that Kennedy was assassinated because he noticed that arms companies were making money off the Vietnam War.

This will be the case here as well.



Biden and Putin were elected by godless people, so the situation will be at the behest of the masses, and collective responsibility.


We Bible Believers Have a Mighty God


Who resides in the custody of the Most High
And in the shadow of the Almighty lives,
says to the Lord: "My Refuge and Fortress,
my God in whom I trust."
For He alone will set you free
out of the hunter's trap
and from the fatal word2.
He will cover you with his feathers
and take refuge under His wings:
His faithfulness is both a knocker and a shield.
At night you will not be afraid
ani za dnia – lecącej strzały,
Nor the pestilence that walks in darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at noon3.
Though a thousand fall by your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand:
it won't happen to you.
You will see with your own eyes:
you will see the retribution given to sinners.
For the Lord is your refuge,
you have taken the Supreme as your protector.
10 Misery will not accede to you,
and a blow will not befall your tent,
11 For to his angels he gave command about you,
that they may guard thee in all thy ways4.
12 They will carry you on their hands,
So that you don't hurt your foot on a stone.
13 You will tread on snakes and vipers,
and the lion and the dragon you will be able to trample Psalm 91


I suggest learning it by heart.


Now the question is, who will attack first and will there be a false flag?



Updated: 20 January 2022 — 20:59

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