Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The woman drowning along with the car was taking a selfie.

Kiedyś był zespół rosyjski złożony z kobiet, który śpiewał “nas nie dogonjat”

My możemy natomiast powiedzieć “nas już nic nie zaskoczy”.



This is a sociological phenomenon. One of many recently.


A woman whose car fell into a frozen river managed to find time to take a selfie of her misfortune before her vehicle completely sank.

According to Daily Star , a car driver who was charged by Canadian police officers with dangerous driving, posed for a photo as she stood on the trunk of her yellow sedan as it slid into the Rideau River in Manotick, which is a suburb of Ottawa.

The Mirror reports that while she posed for a photo, locals tried to mount a rescue, eventually grabbing a blue kayak and tying it down with a rope to pull her out of a huge hole in the ice. By the time the kayak reached her, only the roof of her vehicle was visible on the river.


Według świadków, którzy udostępnili filmy z katastrofy w mediach społecznościowych, w pewnym momencie powiedziała: „No cóż. Chyba pójdę.”



Yes it is funny, but it has a sociological and psychological dimension.

Well, this woman is the personification of the average MK Ultra victim.

Most of society has succumbed to the programming of television and when the world falls people party.

Soon there will probably be a war and also most will not be impressed.

This was well demonstrated in probably the first episode of the Transformers movie, when transformers started falling from the sky and people were taking pictures....


People have lost their instinct for self-preservation,


Trudno się zatem dziwić, że furorę zrobił w ostatnich tygodniach film pt. Nie Patrz w Górę”, z tym że został on wykorzystany do lewicowych idei zielonego ładu, jakoby planeta umierała a ludzkość tego nie widziała.


It's even worse because we are living in the end times and not only do people not know it, but pastors can't point to the system of the biblical beast, which is absolutely the Khazarian UN.



The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are coming, but who cares. If there's going to be a war, it's going to get photographed after all.

Ludzie będą szli do piekła robiąc sobie foto…..


Updated: 19 January 2022 — 18:32

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