Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Mark Passio We live in a world overrun by satanic ideology.

A very important video I present today. It is an interview with a former Luciferian.


As the author of the interview says, most people do not know what Luciferian doctrines are all about or that some unknowingly promote and practice them.


The doctrines of Satanism are true.

One's own self stands above all else, ego, I am a god. This is the approach of the new age, and so the new age fruit gurus are satanists, either conscious or not. The majority of anti-vaccinationists are new age and hold exactly these views, and even icons from the world of music stand in opposition to covidian rhetoric


The chief desire of the individual is to survive in the physical sense, so the end justifies the means. You can trample people on your way to a career. Self-love.


The second principle is moral relativism. He postulates that there is no such thing as objective good and evil. It is up to man to choose what is good or evil for him.
Not the Word of God, which is a guideline, but everyone according to his own whim, which is what Owsiak proclaims: Robta co chceta. It does not matter if other people's rights are violated or their freedom is destroyed. This is what the plandemic administrators do.



The third principle is social Darwinism.
Humans succeed because of their genetic superiority over the rest of humanity, meaning the ruthless ones were chosen by nature.
This can be seen in corporations.

The fourth pillar is eugenics.



The interviewees in the film agree that practitioners of Luciferianism have a psychopathic personality.

Ten były Lucyferianin powiedział, że jego współwyznawcy sami zaproponowali mu aby o tym powiedział światu “no idź powiedz im to wszystko a oni i tak tego nie zrozumieją”.


No niestety taka jest prawda…..







Updated: 14 January 2022 — 19:33


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  1. Hi. What is this movie with Satan ? Most , it is true people are stupid however there is a minority and for Jesus they are willing to give their lives and that is what irritates the devil the most. Praise be to our Savior Jesus.

    1. Zdaje się “Pozywając diabła” lub “pozywając szatana” fajny film wart obejrzenia, daje do myślenia.

  2. One must take into account that although he sometimes says wise things he has not yet come out of Satanism. You have to watch out for him. He preaches things contrary to the Bible.

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