Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I think I'll make some changes. and a request...

Maybe yes, maybe no I will either stop posting on Facebook or even do away with it and so regardless please always look at the blog because a significant portion if they don't have something on fey they don't go to the blog and that has been the case during the last few bans.


Powód? Pomijam złośliwości chrześcijan nominalnych. Raczej chce przygotować się do usunięcia konta przez samego Facebooka – Meta.

It wasn't that long ago that they took down those liktor rods from fey's Confederacy profile, so they won't have any problem with my profile especially since I can't invite anyone anymore anyway due to the blocking.


I know it's easier for most to read on Facebook than go straight to the blog, but if you want to continue to be with me, this is the way I recommend it.



Prayer Request.

Trzyma mnie już kilka dni coś co niektórzy podciągnęliby pod celebrytę… Wiecie o co chodzi.

I am terribly weakened and garlic, honey, etc help little.

On the advice of Maciek from Discord, I ordered a propolis tincture.


I can't write much because of my weakness.

In this situation, I ask for your prayers as I have no time for lack of time to write and for such foolishness :-).

He doesn't want to look like that guy below:





Updated: 13 January 2022 — 19:50


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  1. Hello, Peter. I assure you of prayers. I celebrated in late November and early December. I was taking a strong antibiotic as protection against possible pneumonia. I think you should consider this solution. Warm regards and I wish you a speedy recovery.Joanna.

    1. P.s. Of course I celebrated as a bear. Please don't expose yourself Peter, take a prophylactic antibiotic. May the Lord bless you!

    2. Na razie nie jest źle, tylko napisałem, że jakbym się udał do NFZ to pewnie by mi przypisano…
      but if anything, I'll consider it
      thank you

  2. Hello Peter. I am a regular visitor to your blog and a persistent reader of your news. I don't go to Facebook because I don't have an account on any social networking site.
    I know that it is winter with its capricious weather and sometimes it attacks and weakens the body, and then doing everyday things makes it difficult and requires more effort and especially desire, which is becoming less and less for various reasons....
    Therefore, hold on brother do not get depressed, for the Spirit of God likes joyful hearts. Take care of yourself and think of those who think well of you, and also of those who do not yet know it, but by listening to you and through your efforts will come to the bright side of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I pray for you that the good Lord will give you strength and health.
    All good things in the name of Jesus.

    1. Thanks a lot Brother for the kind words 🙂
      Niech Ci Bóg błogosławi…

  3. Licorice, zinc at least 15 mg, ginger works for celebrity. There is also a recipe for natural chlorohinine from grapefruit and lemon peels on YouTube. For lungs drink thyme, mullein, honeysuckle. Besides inhalations with Zablocki salt and bubbles. After convalescence fatigue and various pains persist for a long time, but then zinc, vitamin C, selenium and ADEK. Much health!

    1. A celebrity sneaky nemesis is. Antibiotics are for people. They saved many lives. After recovery I was very weak for about a week. I was consuming greifrutes by kilograms. My body demanded them, Adek, zinc.
      Cheers Peter!

  4. Hi Detective . You acquired what you have out of thin air. I am not a doctor but I when something gets me down I jump into bed and drink something warming to sweat out the virus and it helps so I recommend it. I will pray that it goes away .

    1. possibly because I've been walking and running a lot lately

  5. Welcome,

    I am a regular reader of yours. I would like to share with you my observations about flying celebrity. I was sick for 2 weeks and during that period I took garlic twice a day (milk with garlic, butter and honey interchangeably with garlic syrup) large amounts of vitamin C, D zinc and propolis and hydrated my body. When I had a temperature, paracetamol brought it down slightly from 39 to 37.2. After 2-3 hours the temperature returned. After two days my mother gave me NAPROXEN (in a pharmacy for 5-7 PLN) for inflammatory fever and the improvement was immediate and I felt much better (I took it for a few days). The fever did not return. Apparently it is a remedy that has been tested with tracheitis. In addition, I made warm inhalations of chamomile and plantain lancet, which has a great effect on expectorating phlegm from the larynx and bronchi and exercising with a bottle and a tube (blowing through the tube into the bottle which improves the work and cleansing of the entire respiratory system, bronchi and lungs).

    Best Regards and Best Wishes

  6. Dużo zdrowia Panie Piotrze. W zeszłym tygodniu też mnie dość mocno dopadło. Proszę się wygrzewać, porządnie wypocić i zadbać o siebie. Praca nie zając. 😉 Jeśli chodzi o Facebook-a: osobiście nie jest to dla mnie żadna strata, bo nie mam tam konta. Czytam bloga i od kilku lat oglądam materiały na YT – teraz na Pana trzecim koncie. Wszystko będzie dobrze. Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

  7. Peter may the Lord God heal you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is what I pray for. I also deleted Facebook a few months ago and I don't miss it at all. Good, healthy day and God's blessings to you Peter and all the readers. Warm greetings, stay with God and trust in Him 🙂 .

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