Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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AIDS among stabbers may develop in late February or March. That's according to the British Health Security Agency

Disturbing data.
The latest UK Health Safety Authority (UKHSA, or UK RIVM) potions data appears to confirm the worst fears of leading scientists and other experts, namely that booster doses will accelerate the breakdown of the human immune system caused by the first two stabs. Beginning in late February/early March, a huge number of double and triple stabbers may begin to develop a new form of AIDS.
Take a look at the statistics below. I know not everyone is familiar with English, but here the most important data are the weeks of immune decline.
In just a few weeks, immune system degradation dropped to well below zero in ALL age groups, except children under 18. But also among them, the supposed "protection" by stabbing at a celebrity drops sharply (from 78.6% to 38.3%).
First week 47-50 and below week 49-52.
Cases reported by sample date between weeks 47 and 50 of 2021. -
Cases reported by sample date between weeks 49 and 52 of 2021. -
What is AIDS?
It is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, so AIDS in a word is immune deficiency syndrome and then the floodgates open for many other diseases.
This is why it is reasonable to conclude from this data that in the UK people stabbed will lose immunity in February-March....
I don't know why Polish or rather Polish politicians say that in February there will be no more beds and why Fauci says that soon everybody will have an Omicron.
I know we need to look to the sky and supplement.
If these above calculations are true, the fall of people in March and April will only be covered up by war......
Updated: 13 January 2022 — 22:19

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